Date !?

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'Did he just ask me out on a date? No, he probably doesn't think of this as a date!'
'Oh god did I sound desperate? He probably pities me for my injuries.

"I-I mean yeah sure I could make time for it." 'I stuttered oh lord'His eyes widened was he not expecting me to say yes?

"G-great see ya tomorrow Y/n," He said while walking to his next class.The bell rang signaling its time for my next class
"I'm going to be late for class!"

I say while running for Gym...."Finally schools over " I groan while walking next to Gon
"Yup! Hey, Y/n Killua told me you guys are going to the cholate store you both like where you both met?"
"Yeah! How'd you know how we met?"

"Oh, Killua told me! Hey, Y/n I have somethings to ask you!" Gon questioned.

"Yeah, sure what's up?"Why didn't you want Killua to know what happened back there?"

"Uhh well, I fell as if he'd blame himself, I didn't want him to feel as if he was responsible in a way you know?"

"Oh I understand, I think you made the right decision if Killua knew he'd also probably hunt down that girl what was her name again?"Reina, I wonder If Killua knows her she said something about me taking Killua away from her."

"Maybe.. I'll ask him is that okay?"

"Sure just don't bring up what happened."

"Okay! Also, my other question is-"

"Y/n, Gon let's go take Y/n to the hospital!"

"Kurapika!" Gon says happily.

"Yeah, let's go it's giving me a head ache."

We all walk out of school to the hospital since it's not very far from where the school is located. Once we enter the hospital we walk over to the front desk.

"Excuse me our friend here is injured and we'd like you to check their injuries," Kurapika said formally.

"Ah yes of course may I see the injury?"

"Okay," Kurapika says before gently removing the bandages on top of my head and blood starts to slowly come out again.

"This is the injury-"

"That's extremely severe! She yells before getting on the phone with a doctor.

"Head to room 204 quickly that is a serious injury!"

"Yes ma'am!" Gon says.They both take my hand and walk to room 204. 'I'm so glad I met Gon and Kurapika'The doctor immediately took a look at the injury and instructed Gon and Kurapika to leave the room, so they did as their told.

"How did you sustain this injury?"

"Oh... I just fell down the stairwell at school"

"Please tell me the truth I can help with the injury more if you'd tell me and how are you not unconscious ?"

"Well doc, I got this Injury because some girl was mad at me and pushed me in the rim of the sink and I'm conscious because I go to Hunters Academy the elite school that grants you to become a hunter once you graduate."

" know you could report her from such an act?"

"Yeah but there really be no point."

"I see.."He finished up the treatment for the bleeding to stop and bandages my head again.

"Take it easy."

"Thank you I will," I say while leaving the room to find Kurapika and Gon outside.

Is this a mere coincidence..or destiny? Killua x readerWhere stories live. Discover now