The Plan

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"OK, this is the plan, Chloe and I will go searching for gifts for our secret Santa thing and you'll get ready in the winter dress that I made for you. I will go with Chloe to get everyone what they wanted for a long time but couldn't get. After that Chloe, Jagged and I will move to Miami." I explained. "Why?" Emilie asked

"So we could get away from the toxicity in Paris, well, school." Chloe answered for me.

"Yeah, they need it and deserve a vacation." Jagged butted in.

I felt a scaly tail swat at me. 'Fang'. So I bent down to pet him but he made me sit on the floor, so I just stayed there and we continued discussing the plan. It was time to go to schoo-scratch that, I meant it was time to go to hell.

Time skip to after school

Me and Chloe bolted out of there with our super speed and we went to get the presents for our secret Santa." It's snowing, want to make a frozen mountain?" Chloe asked with a mischievous smile and I replied with the same smile.

After we got the presents we dropped them at Chloe's suite and went to the park.

We started small, then worked our way up the top of the mountain. Then all of a sudden, the snow mountain ,that was up to 16 feet high, and us at the top fell, before we hit the ground Chloe grabbed onto my hand and we hovered on our backs close to the snow so it would look like we fell onto the snow. I looked up and saw Alya standing above me, behind her was Lila and the rest of her sheep. Chloe pulled my up before she could do or say anything and we bolted out of there like flash got nothing us(literally, he's got nothing on us) 


We saw Mari-trash and Chlo-dork building a snow mountain and having fun. Why should she be happy, she hurt Lila. I got an Idea," Hey guys, look over there" I said pointing at them. "We should ruin their snow mountain because she hurt Lila the other day." "Yeah we should." Mylene said and others also gave out words of agreement so, we waited and hung around them since the didn't notice us. .And when they were really high up, like 15 feet we got ready to strike, when they went higher we kicked the snow so part of it fell off and at that we ran away leaving the snow mountain to crumble down on them. To my surprise they landed on the top of it and I got aggravated. So I went up to them ready to punch Mari in the face but that Chloe brat pulled her before I could do anything and they ran away. Huh, they better run.

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