four - the sorting

Start from the beginning

"Alright, here we go. Miss Smith come up here please to the front" McGonagall asked

I slowly moved my way to the front, so I was basically leading all the first years.

Fuck I'm gonna be standing out and have all fucking eyes on me. Fuck me.

McGonagall opened the door. And wowza.

It was beautiful, I was frozen looking at the floating candles in the great hall, the ceiling looking like a midnight sky. It was fucking glorious.

"Excuse me, are you going to start walking?" A first year boy behind me asked.

My face went a tinge of red against my tanned brown skin. Fuck I forgot I had to lead them. Wait fuck, everyone is staring at me. Fucking let a hole open and swallow me there and then.

"Oh yeh sorry" I quickly said, moving into the Great Hall. I could hear all the younger ones behind me.

I was met with multiple staring and whispering, along the four large tables with students.

I looked at the table in red to be met with the twins whistling and shouting "Go Ambs"

I smiled and nodded. I've only known them for a couple of hours and I already fucking love those idiots.

I scanned the rest of the hall to me met with cold grey eyes staring at me, I would be lying to say I wasn't memorised but he's a prick.

I quickly broke contact before I fucking fall flat on my face in front of everyone, done that before, it ain't fucking fun.

I made it to the front of the stairs and heard Professor McGonagall call out my name.

"Amber Smith"

Fucking here we go.

Just remember dont fucking trip dumbass! 

I slowly walked up the steps, and sat on the stool. Everyone was fucking staring at me. Fuck.

I then felt a hat being placed on my head.

"Mmm, what do we have here? Amber Smith...your loyal and trustworthy, you could be in Hufflepuff...

Okay yeh, I can see that.

"...well we know Ravenclaw isn't for you..."

I scoff at that and role my eyes.


" feisty as well, you are rather ambitious and show the traits of resourcefulness and leadership, Slytherine can do that for you..."

Well if I want to be fucking mocked for being a normie-born, sorry muggle-born then go fucking ahead you dumb hat.

"...yet your also courageous, brave and daring, like a Gryffindor..."

Hey that's an idea you stupid hat.

"Where to put you?" Better be SLYTHERIN"

FUCK ME! Are you trying to fucking get me killed you dumb hat?!

I looked at the table in green and no one was FUCKING CHEERING, they where all just looking at me like I fucking just killed a unicorn. Fucktards.

I looked at the twins and they just gave me a smile and a thumbs up, at least they found joy in my soon to be death.

I slowly made my way to the table, my robes fucking changing green - magic, it fucking confuses me sometimes.

All I knew is that I will fucking get ridiculed, but I won't let them fucking walk all over me.

I sat down on a spare seat, fuck Malfoys is front of me. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"Hi, I'm Gemma Brodie" a girl with long brown hair and pale skin next to me greeted.

"Hi, I'm Amber Smith" I gave her a smile

"Brodie, why are you talking to the mudblood?" Malfoy barked

"Here the fuck we go again" I muttered under my breathe while rolling my eyes

"Malfoy, I don't care about all that blood purity shit, I may be a pureblood, but I was brought up with decent respect to others" Gemma said

"Hey I like you already" I said to her

Malfoy just muttered something along the lines of 'blood-traitor' and 'filthy mudblood'.

"Ew what's that accent?" the girl next to Malfoy screeched in disgust. She fucking looked like a pug.

"Did a fucking Pterodactyl enter the great hall?" I asked Gemma who spat out her pumpkin juice after my comment and started sniggering.

"You filthy..." the girl started to say

"Mudblood. Yeh yeh whatever pug face" I smiled back

"Parkinson it's Australian you idiot" Gemma replied

"Parkinson hey? Do you even know where that is?" I asked with a smirk growing on my face.

Before I could continue talking to this fucking bitch a man with a long grey beard started talking. I'm guessing he's the headmaster after the first years where all sorted.

I kind of stopped listening, trying to understand how I was going to handle being here for the next 3 years. Fuck.

And why the fuck is Malfoy staring at me?

A lady then interrupted the headmaster and by the look on everyone faces, no one does that. She was wearing all pink with the fakest of smiles on her face.

She looked like a troll.

"Umbridge was it? More like umbitch" I muttered to Gemma who started giggling

I looked up and saw Malfoy looking at me with a smirk, and then pug face Parkinson staring at me with daggers. Funny.

I gave him a 'what the fuck are you looking at' look that just made him smirk more. I just rolled my eyes and looked at the headmaster, who was now talking again.

He then said, "let the feast begin"

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