minji liked watching yoongi, he admired him and wanted to be just like him. "appa, can i study too? i wanna be like you!" minji giggled, yoongi let out a small 'aww' and smiled "not really but how about you draw some squares and color them in?" yoongi said, minji hummed and nodded, grabbing a blank piece of paper that was laying around.







what are you up to


taking care of my daughter and studying

kinda hard bc i can't really focus :/


oh man :/

i was gonna ask if you wanted to hang out


we can hang out but my daughter will be there too, that's oka right?


yeah ofc!

maybe i should come over and play with your daughter so you can work on that


it's fine, she's a bit troublesome, i can deal with peppa pig blasting in the background


i really don't mind! i know you really want to graduate! your little girl seems so nice too


if you want, don't feel forced. i'll be done soon so we can do something


i'll bring things to make cookies!


ok yeah sjsjjsj



jungkook arrived to the address yoongi gave him and knocked, patiently waited for a response.

"hi jungkook" yoongi opened the door, miniji peeped behind yoongi, a bit scared since it wasn't jimin or seokjin, the unknown man smiled "minji, you can stop tugging on my leg. this is jungkook, he's my friend and he is nice" yoongi said, minji bowed a bit which made jungkook smile "hi minji, i'm jungkook" jungkook said, minji nodded and smiled a bit.

jungkook stepped in the home and immediately noticed the mess of crayons and toys on the ground which made yoongi panic a bit "sorry it's messy, she's like that" he chuckled, jungkook smiled "it's cute, don't worry about it. you go study and i'll play with her" the boy said, yoongi smiled "thank you"


"do you want to color with me?" minji asked, jungkook nodded and was handed a piece of paper "where do you usually color?" jungkook asked, minji hummed "i like coloring on the ground" she said, jungkook laughed a bit "alright"

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