But yet, even though they and I promised we wouldn't hide our secrets from one another, I felt like they were hiding one. A big one. I just didn't know what it was. I noticed that Aro and Caius would disappear every Thursday. I hoped they weren't seeking out other women. The thought pained me. And when I asked them if they still had other secrets, they lied. I didn't have the courage to challenge them about it though. I didn't want to find out, honestly.

I was currently getting ready for a trial. Throwing on a red dress and my Volturi crest, I exit the wing and go down the staircase that leads to the hidden door behind the thrones. I step into the throne room and Aro is there waiting for me.

"Ah, mia cara." he says as he kisses my cheek. "We've been expecting you."

"Very much so." says Caius from his throne.

"Yes." Marcus agrees.

I smile at them and put my hand into Aro's as he leads me to his throne. He sits down and pulls me into his lap, causing an "ooft" to come from my lips. My mates chuckle at the sound before becoming silent and serious as the doors open. Jane, Demetri, and Felix walk into the room with Santiago holding the suspect in his arms before he forces her onto her knees in the middle of the room.

"What is your name?" Caius asks, immediately starting the trial without any pleasantries.

The girl is shaking miserably. Nervously twiddling her thumbs as she stumbles for words.

"Well?" Caius was getting impatient. "Jane."

Before I can say anything, Jane stares at the girl and mutters the word pain. The girl's mouth erupts into screams as she positions herself in a fetal position. There was no reason for Caius to order this.

"Jane, stop." I order.

"Yes, my Lady." she replies, stopping her gift and stepping back.

I look at Caius with a glint of anger in my eyes. "Was that really necessary?"

"She took too long." Caius defends himself.

"That isn't a reason to inflict pain. She's just nervous." I argue.

"Amity is right, brother." says Aro. "As much as she has tired me out already, we must give her a chance to introduce herself."

"What is your name?" I ask, stopping Caius from arguing further. "Don't rush. I can tell you're nervous by just the movement of your thumbs."

"A-Alexandra Rosadini." she replies.

"What are her crimes?" Caius asks the guard.

"My King, she was found trying to steal from the kitchen. She does not work here. She miraculously snuck into the castle undetected." says Demetri.

"And no one could smell her scent?" Aro questions.

Jane shakes her head. "No, master. One of the lower guard only noticed her when they saw her in the kitchen. They said it was like she came out of the shadows. Out of nowhere."

Aro raises his head a bit. He was curious. "Interesting." he drawls. "Miss. Rosadini, how did you sneak inside the castle? Surely you know that this castle is off bounds to humans unless you join the tour guide that is led by our own Heidi or you work here. Surely you know what we are by now, correct?"

Alexandra nods. "I do. You're vampires. The tall guy explained what you guys are to me when we were in the elevator. As I got in, I don't know. I thought people could see me."

I narrow my eyebrows. "Jane, you said she seemed like she came out of the shadows. Out of nowhere?"

"Yes, my Lady."

Hmm. Interesting. "Alexandra, can you stand in that shadow in the wall's crevice? I have a theory that I would like to test out."

Alexandra nods and shakily gets up before moving to the wall's crevice. Right when she enters the shadow, she disappears. Everyone gasps.

"Magnifico." breathes Aro.

"What just happened?" Caius asks.

"My theory." I say. "She can hide in the shadows. She finds comfort in them. You can come out now, Alexandra."

Aro's face is of complete wonder and of determination. Alexandra's gift was perfect to add to Aro's collection and I couldn't help but agree.

Alexandra exits the shadow and walks back to the middle of the room shakily. "How long have you had this gift of yours?" asks Marcus.

"About as long as I can remember." Alexandra replies.

"Fascinating!" Aro claps his hands. He walks over to her and extends out his hand. "May I?"

Alexandra looks confused. "My mate has the ability to look at every memory and thought you ever had by just a single touch." I explain.

Alexandra nods. "I just wish to see how long you could do this, Miss. Rosadini." Aro says.

"O-Okay." says Alexandra as she places her hand into Aro's.

Aro clasps his hand around hers as he takes in her memories and thoughts before dropping her hand. "Sorprendente. She could do this since she was five. She had an abusive family growing up and would only find comfort in the shadows of her room since she felt protected in them. Carlisle has this theory that some vampires have gifts due to how they grew up. I wanted knowledge when I was a human. Jane and Alec assumingly have theirs because of the witch trial. It appears Miss. Rosadini has hers because of her abusive family and how she finds comfort in the shadows that gave her this gift. It's rare to see a human be able to wield such a gift in their mortal state. It's so rare. I've only seen another mortal use their gift and that was Isabella before she was turned."

The throne room doors slam open and Alec walks in, his eyes black.

"Oh." Marcus gasps. "It appears Alec has found his mate."

"Mate." Alec growls as he stands in front of Alexandra, taking her chin into his hand.

"W-What?" Alexandra tries to step back but Alec's grip prevents her from doing so.

"Vampires have soulmates," Marcus explains. "You're Alec's true mate. True mates are quite rare. My mate here," he gestures to me. "Is my brother's and I's true mate. It's even more rare for a vampire to have more than one mate."

She nods. "I see."

"Good!" Aro claps his hands. "Seeing how you are Alec's mate, any charge made against you is dropped. Alec will take you to his room. Welcome to the Volturi. My brothers and my mate and I will discuss when you will be turned later. Good day."

"Turned?" Alexandra asks.

"You're Alec's mate. It would hurt Alec immensely if you died. Vampires go into a deep depression when their mate or loved one dies." Marcus explains, already knowing what the feeling is like when his late wife, Didyme, died.

"Alec, take her to your room. My brothers and my mate and I have lots to discuss. All of you, leave us." Caius orders.


 Magnifico - magnificent. 

Sorprendente - amazing. 

mia cara - my dear. 

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