034. abort mission

Start from the beginning

"I don't know," Malak shrugged. "When I feel like it, maybe. Not everyone was happy with me joining the SMP at first."

"Don't listen to them," Niki quickly interjected. "You're the best thing that's happened on the SMP."

"Awh, Niki," Wilbur cooed. "Anyways, I heard from a little bird that you've been giving the Dream Team hell."

"Not necessarily," Malak replied. "I've just told them that I've forgiven them and now they think I'm up to something."

"Are you up to something, though?" Wilbur asked, unsure.

"No," Malak cracked up. "I just want them to think I am, psychological torture."

"You are terrifying, woman," Tommy laughed. "Brilliant but terrifying."

"Thank you, Tommy," Malak grinned.

"Dream logs on every day to make sure you haven't planted any TNT under the community house again," Tubbo informed them. "You didn't hear this from me."

Tommy laughed even louder.

"When are you going to tell them?" Niki questioned.

"They'll figure it out, eventually," Malak responded.

"Hopefully not," Tommy added.

"So the Election is today?"

"Yes," Tubbo replied to Malak. "It all goes downhill in an hour or so."

"Then go and get ready!" Malak urged them. "What are you guys waiting for?"

"Oh, alright," Tommy grumbled. "Wish us luck!"

"You won't be needing it," Malak bit her lip. "You're losing anyway."

Wilbur and Niki burst out laughing.

"Now that is just rude!" Tommy gaped.

-ˋˏ twt! ˎˊ-

Karl :) | @KarlJacobs_ · 6hr
Are you a traffic sign because stop

Karl :) | @KarlJacobs_ · 6hrAre you a traffic sign because stop

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