The Dekusquad's Traitor

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I've started to hardcore simp for Ryusui off Dr. Stone, as you could probably tell. I just love him sm and he's a damn snack 😳✋. Step on me sir.

:: sOo, i was listening to this song and i thought, huh, imagine if the traitor was in the dekusquad and everyone starts getting suspicious and the whole friendship group implodes from the inside.

I am nOt following the plot of the video above, just using the song ✨😌

I also headcanon Shinso being a part of the squad, but yk he has his own little squad in this book lmao. He is in 1A in this universe bc we love our purple boy.



Multiverse ---> Traitor Talk

"Ooh we love some good spicy drama." Mina smirked, rubbing her hands together evily.

"We have a traitor?!" Kirishima yelped. "If yes thats unmanly bro."

Shigaraki frowned. "You have a traitor? Thats new information to me you know." His voice was too dismissive for the bombshell he dropped.

"So there's no traitor?" Kirishima breathed, pointedly ignoring Mina's dismayed aww's. The girl wants to live a whole drama, let her be.

"If there isn't a traitor how did you magically show up at our secret spots. Only two people knew about the training camp."

Crust Fuck Mcmike just shrugged. "Magic, sure. As if I'd tell you funky ass hoe's my secrets. I know more about you than you know about yourself."Wait what?" Momo asked in mild shock.

"Yeah uh huh!" Shigaraki confirmed. "For example, your pink haired inventor over there once sent a realistic glitter bomb to the hero commission and caused a lockdown."

Mei gasped dramatically before frowning. "Dabi you burnt fuck. I told you that in confidence, eat shit. I know you also set some politicians wig on fire for, and i quote, the lolz"

"Its valid! Calm down little miss glitter bomb."

"Who even suggested having a mole?" Kurogiri questioned, sipping his own bottomless beverage.

Silence until..."MIIIIC."


"Can we please start? Your drama is about as stale as Todoroki's personality, which is fine because he's pretty." Mina sassed, seizing the remote and pressing play.

🎶"Don't spill okay?" Its a custom to say. Even so, watch it go and spread around anyway.🎶

The screen switches on, instantly showing an attack on UA lead by our favorite handmaiden Shigaraki and his circus. The students are particularly battered up from their various fights; the dekusquad can be seen huddled together aside from the other students.

Shigaraki turns his head to the group, eyes glossing over all 5 of them, the corners of his mouth pointing up wickedly. "Oh and ZB? I'll get the details of the next attack to you as soon as possible. See you soon!" He walked through the purple vortex with a curt wave towards the Dekusquad.

"Okokokokokokokok." Iida malfunctioned in true robot fashion.

"Uhm, ignoring the elephant that just waltzed into the room." Hakagure sighed. "I am respectfully asking you to leave us the fuck alone in any lesson that is not math. Reminder that this is strike two, once more and you'll regret it."

Shigaraki snorted at the threat, dismissing it quickly. "Ok Incognito Logo, what are you going to do? pretend to be a spoopy ghost."

"How do you think i passed the UA entrance exam, Shiggy Shabby, Mr. Grabby?" The invisible girl maybe smiled back.

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