Even Though You're a Villain...

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I need to stop simping for Endeavour but i know it simply won't happen :,,)

Today i give you some kind of villian Deku, with a sprinkle of redemption to make it sPiCy. THE REACTIONS ARE PURE CRACK IM SO SORRY. I actually found a prompt like this on Instagram like a year ago–

;; I have a Oneshot book nOw so like you cOuLd look at it if you like my sTuFf? Idk just admire Endeavour with me and if you don't like him, thats fine too :^)

Multiverse ---> Even Though You're a Villain

"Uhh, no thanks." Mina smiled pleasantly, batting her eyelashes in a failed attempt to persuade the dear rat principal to switch channels.

"Suck it up, pinkeye." Dabi laughed sliding over to the seat next to her in one swift movement that made her blush because holy shit is Dabi beautiful. "Shigaraki has started getting all depressed and shit over the good vibes. Let us have this."

Mina sank as low as she possibly could in her chair grumbling about all sorts before coming to a conclusion. "Fiiine, but you have to come shopping with me when we get out of here! Deal?"

"UhM nO No nOo." Shigaraki interjected with frantic head shakes. "That literally goes against all hero vs villain laws, Dabi!"

"Thats tough titties Toemura. Because you'll be joining us so we can sort out your dusty ass face."


Momo hummed thoughtfully. "You're no Todoroki though, Shigaraki-San."

"PLEASE can we just watch this shit?" Bakugo yelled not even trying to cover up his annoyance and desperation.


Izuku Midoriya has quite the dilemma. He isn't where he's supposed to be, He isn't with the people he's supposed to be with. Everything is all..wrong.

But if it's wrong why does it feel so right...?

"OH FUCK OFF." Shigaraki huffed hurtling his shoe directly at the screen in a fit of baby rage. "I REFUSE TO WATCH REDEMPTION SHIT. NOPE."

"Language!" Iida hand chopped firmly. They may be villains but villainy is no excuse for a foul mouth. "Its a shame I'm not equipped with the soap." He sighed.


"You sound like Thotsuki, Tomu-chan!" Toga whined, rubbing her ears. "I'm having flashbacks to Kamino when we kidnapped that demon. He kept insulting my nose :("

Todoroki added to his notebook quietly, prepping another sneak attack.

"Wow Bakugo, you can't just insult a girls nose like that, especially when you were born with that." Jirou shook her head, it was obvious she was joking but Bakugo is as socially blind as Todoroki.


Monoma rolled his eyes in what could only be mischief. "Damn, pack it up Pinocchio." He added a face palm for effect.

"Can we not?" Aizawa sighed, he got a migraine like 10 chapters ago and its just being getting worse ever since.

Shall we have ourselves a flashback?

"YESSIR OR MA'AM OR JUST DISEMBODIED VOICE!" Kaminari cheered much to like half the theatres dismay.


The screen finally faded in from black to depict the one and only Izuku Midoriya standing upon a roof, clad in white undershirt and emerald green vest over the top. His green hair was encrusted with blood as he inched towards the edge of the rooftop, closer to the edge.

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