"Oh...um...you're welcome?" I shrug until I realise something. "Wait. You're getting lucky because I almost died, how is that fair?" I look at him shocked and he laughs again. "No, don't laugh. That's not fair. I almost die and you get the sex? Fuck sake." I cross my arms over my chest. He dramatically wipes at his eye.

"I'm sure you getting sex won't be a problem here." He winks at me. I raise an eyebrow at that.

"What do you mean?" I look down at myself again. I didn't think this is the state I'd be in to become a catch.

"Never mind. Doesn't matter. Thirsty?" He smiles at me so I shrug it off. A drink also sounds like it may casually get me downstairs where an exit could be easier to plan.

"Yeah, I could do with a drink," he begins walking and I follow him along a hallway to a grand set of stairs. "I'm not in a hospital, am I?" The fear that I wasn't brought to a hospital after my accident returns. What the hell is this place? Jack laughs at my panicked expression.

"No, you're not. This is...um...its Alex's house. There isn't any hospital for miles and he had some basic facilities here, so I brought you here. I hope you don't mind," He smiles back at me before continuing to guide me to the end of the stairs, through another hallway and into the kitchen. The place was huge with marble counter-tops, a double door fridge, a giant oven with 6 rings and an island that was big enough to be a bed...or have Alexander do very bad things to me on... "Water?" Jack snaps me out of my forming daydream.

"Yes, water. Please." I smile weakly at him as he grabs a glass from a cabinet. What is wrong with my brain? Even in all of this confusion and fear and I cannot get this man out of my head.

"Sophie? Are you okay?" Jack raises an eyebrow at me as he places the glass of water in front of me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks," I pick up the glass and turn around to the wall covered in windows from ceiling to floor and span the whole length of the kitchen to reveal a giant back yard. How rich was this guy? Why did he have hospital equipment in his house? The back of his property was lined with a forest. That would explain the smell of the woods I suppose. I suddenly see two men who seem to be heading for the forest. "Hey, who are they?" I point to the men.

"Brian and Mark, they were with me when you almost hit me and then wrecked your car," He laughs a little. Hit him? But Emily said I didn't hit anyone? I was about to turn to him to ask where he was on the road when Brian and Mark remove their shirts and trousers right there. Suddenly, Jack's hand is on my arm. "Uh, let's go. Alex wouldn't want you to see this just yet." He pulls on my arm but I stay rooted to the spot. See what? But then I find out.

Mark and Brian transform into giant wolves right in front of my eyes. I see every bone break and where the new one's form. I see the hair sprouting and their eyes darkening. I see but I don't believe so I scream. I scream a blood curling scream and step back from the window. The glass slips from my hand and shatters against the floor. The two giant wolves look my way briefly before trotting into the forest. Jack wraps his arms around me from behind and pins my arms to my side as I continue to scream and thrash in his hold. Then suddenly, I smell the scent again.

"What in the hell is going on in here?!" I look over to see Alexander in the doorway and I stop screaming. He's wearing nothing but boxers and has seriously sexy bed hair but it wasn't how hot he was that made me stop screaming. His eyes were black as night and he seemed to be panting as his broad shoulders heaved up and down in an attempt to control his breaths. I noticed the twitching in his neck. He was seriously angry. I don't know why but I knew that I should pull out of Jack's arms, so I did and it noticeably calms him down. I feel the urge to run over to him and kiss him and run my hands through his hair. Something deep inside me has the need to comfort him and have him comfort me right now.

"Mark and Brian are starting their shift" Jack points out the window with a shaky hand and a scared expression. Alexander's head snaps to the window and back to me with a very concerned look suddenly.

"What did she see?" He is still looking at me but the question isn't for me. I just stare wide eyed.

"By her expression? Probably everything?" Jack says with a breathy laugh.

"I'm fine. I'm just hopped up on drugs." I laugh weakly. I know Emily said she took me off the drugs but I can't process that right now. Alexander seems to buy it as he breathes out heavily.

"Okay. I'll go get Emily I guess." He turns slowly while keeping his eyes on me for as long as he can. Once his eyes are gone, I turn to Jack.

"Another glass of water?" I force a smile to seem as normal as possible. He smiles weakly back at me and goes back to the cabinet. As soon as he does, I run. Not upstairs again but out the back door and into the forest and through the trees until my legs can't carry me anymore. I hear shouting behind me but I keep running until I feel the pain from my thigh again. I shouldn't have run on it so soon but I needed to get out of there. I lean against a tree and slide onto the ground before finally letting the tears fall. My shoulders heave up and down from the sobbing and it hurts but I can't stop it now. I have no more running in me left. I just cry and shudder in fear as I hear howling closing in on me.

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