Snape's birthday

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January 9, 1995

Skylar's pov:

It's now Wednesday

Classes resumed on Monday following Christmas break & the New Years eye party.

On the first day of the new year we went on our second date which was just as much fun as the first one. Every time I spent with Snape was just more enjoyable than the last, and what made the second date even better was that Severus asked me to officially be his girlfriend and I of course said yes.

We are currently in the second period of the day. I already wrote down the name of the potion & the ingredients on the board and Snape just told the students to go over the instructions on the board and to get started, like usual.

But something about today seemed different, was I forgetting something?

As I'm sat at my teachers desk going over some work, I look up and see Snape strolling through each row of students at their tables as they work on today's potion.

Snape had his usual serious look on his face. When it's just him and I he had the same look but maybe even a little more relaxed. I felt like today had something to do with him, I plan on asking one of the professors during lunch if they know.

If there was something special today in Snape's life, I know he wouldn't say anything about it. He doesn't make a big deal out of things in his personal life.

Once second period ends lunch comes around and once I leave snape's dungeon classroom I head upstairs to look for one of my fellow Professor co workers to see if they know.

Once I get to the great hall doors I see Professor McGonagall coming this way.

I go over to her "hello Professor McGonagall"

Professor McGonagall- "hello miss rose" she smiles "is there anything I can do for you?"

"Yes, I was wondering is there anything particularly special today in Professor snape's life? I have a feeling there is but I can't come to think of it"

Professor McGonagall- "well yes actually there is, today's his birthday"

"Does anyone else know?"

Professor McGonagall- "myself and the rest of the staff do, including Professor dumbledore. But none of the students know. Professor Snape keeps that part of his life private, he doesn't make a big deal out of stuff like his birthday"

"I figured. Thank you for letting me know Professor"

Professor McGonagall- "you're welcome. So you and Professor Snape are an item?" She says with a smile

"Yeah we are" I smile "but I'm sure that everyone knows since we probably made it obvious"

Professor mcgonhall- "when you two danced together at the Yule ball and came to the New Year's Eve party together yes. I just wanted to hear it from you. I'm glad you two are happy"

"Thank you Professor, that really means a lot. I haven't been this happy in a long time"

As we're talking, Professor Snape is heading this way to go into the great hall for lunch. He sees us there and walks over to us.

Professor Snape- "professor mcgonhall" he looks at her & nods in greeting by then looks at me "miss dove, shall enter the great hall for lunch?"

I nod and the three of us enter the hall along with the students who haven't entered yet and we go take our seats at the teachers table.

We eat lunch like we normally do then Professor Snape and I go back to his classroom where I make sure the room is tidy before the next period begins.

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