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For the pass five months I've been working overtime. Matt and Gem stay with me and Zac stop by most of the time with food for me. While I eat he did some of my paperwork.

I thank God everyday for sending him into my life. He help me through a lot and I'm grateful for that.

"Darling you ok?" I lift my head up from my desk and look at a worried Zac.

I'm not ok. I can't keep food down and most food smell terrible to me these days.

"Hey talk to me."

"I think I need to see the doctor."

"We can go now." I nod and he lift me up. I bury my face in his chest as he carry me out.

"Is she ok?"I heard Matt asked.

"I think she's pregnant,"Gem said. "Set her down."

I was place in a chair and Gem came infront me.

"Her face look swollen. Are you vomiting alot?" I nod. She cup my breast and I wince. "She's pregnant. Consider Zac is a vampire and all. It's going to be different from humans. You should rest. We will finish your paper work."

I was picked up again and Zac head for the elevator. I fell asleep after that.

"Ok I'll sign the papers as soon as I can but right now I have some personal matters to deal with. Don't call unless it's really important."

I open my eyes and look at him. He turn to look at me with a smile and sit beside me.

"How are you feeling?"

"Surprisingly alot better. I can't believe we're having a baby."

He crawl under the covers and pull me to him. His hands settle on my stomach. "After this little one arrived, I'm marrying you. You're not getting away from me." I chuckle and kiss his cheek.

"I'm all yours."

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