56. Not yet

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"Because I wanna marry you"

"Lisa-" Jennie looked at her softly,

"But You're with Kai and-"

"For once would you stop?!" Jennie stood up, "Why don't you care about your feelings instead, you're a human being too!"

"I'm sorry"

"Say that to the real me then" Lisa then woke up, It was a dream. She looked around and her breath hitched as a paper was right beside her face-

To Lili

"Hey, Jennie!" Kai smiled, "What are you doing he-" He was cut off by her hugging him tightly,

"Kai... Can I talk to you?" She asks him softly.

"Sure, Let's go inside" He gently says as They both walked in.


"Chae, I'm worried" Jisoo drew an 'X' on Rosé's back,

"Why honey?"

"What are we going to do about them?"

"There's nothing we can do now, we just let them figure it out."

"And if they can't?"

"Then they can't, it's their problem, not ours" Rosé placed her book down, "We just wait it out"


Dear Lili,

I never wanted to write this but- here it is, I'm sorry for not being the one you needed. I'm sorry for hiding you for so long, I understand now why you left. Believe me, I would leave too-

When we broke up I knew it was going to change me and it did, I didn't believe in relationships anymore after you. But when you came back I was so scared of you, I was so scared to have you so close again and lose you. But it happened again- You probably won't ever open this or believe me but I want to thank you.

Thank you for being my first, Thank you for making my teenage years the best. As of now, I won't have that, It'll be weird again to go through the same pain again. But I'll manage.

Now I promised you I'll always marry you but I'm sorry, It's not going to be you anymore. My mom had arranged for me to marry Kai now, Please don't go to my wedding.

Just like you, I'll be leaving too... Permanently. After when I marry Kai, we'll be moving away. I'm letting you go. As much as I never wanted to write this- I had to. I had to let you go.

-From Jennie Kim

"We're pushing your wedding next week!" Jennie looked down as Kai looked at her,

"Are you okay with this?" He asks her as she looked at the ground.

"No" She looked at him, "I never will be" She then looked back down as her mom was talking about the wedding now.

"I'll be back, I need to go do something" Kai smiled Leaving Jennie and her mom alone,


"She wrote that?" Rosé and Jisoo peaked over her shoulders to read the letter,

"Yeah..." Lisa says as a sudden knock on the door scared the three.

"I'll get it!" Jisoo ran to the door and opened it revealing someone Lisa now hated-


"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Rosé grabbed her waist pulling her back from killing Kai.

"Woah!" Kai backed up, "I'm just here to talk to you"

"Lisa calm down" Jisoo warns as she closed the door behind him,

"Listen, Lisa, I don't want to marry Jennie"

"W-what?" She looked at him confused, "Why?"

"Why? Because she's still in love with you! I don't want to hurt her even more, She's- She's unhappy and I don't want to see that for the rest of my life. Listen, The wedding is next week now and You know what to do."

"We're gonna crash a wedding?" Rosé looked at Jisoo excitedly,

"Again?" Jisoo asked,

"Sure? But don't mention this to Jennie yet, You were her first and you'll be her last"

"Aw!" Rosé let's go of Lisa and placed her hands on her cheeks, "Cute!"

"Then what the hell is that note then?" Lisa asks him as he looked at the coffee table and rolled his eyes.

"Unbelievable" He walked to it to take a better look, "That's not Jennie, Remember Jennie doesn't put her last name on a letter."

"Then who is it?" Jisoo asks,

"I think I know" Lisa groans,

"Who?" Chaesoo asks

"Her mom," Kai and Lisa said.

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