The drive

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The drive was going smoothly,Eliza was looking through a photo album of herself and Pascal '120 long years' she sighed as she recounted the memories.

She didn't want to leave, instead she wanted someone to stop her,she wanted to stay back with everyone she loved and loved her back.She wanted to amend her relationship with Pascal,she wanted to be told why she needed to stay or who she needed to stay for.

She jerked and the album fell,the driver had abruptly stopped.

"What happened?"she asked as her eyes drifted to the blue range rover Evoque infront of her.She would recognize that car anywhere.


She picked the album and tucked it into her bag.The driver could have ignored what happened and continued driving but Franklin had already told him what to do.

Pascal alighted his car and Eliza did same.

"What were you thinking?you could have been hurt.Are you sure your okay?"

Pascal had taken a flight earlier to return,he asked his assistant to take over for him.It was Eliza or work and he chose Eliza.

"I had to take my chances.I couldn't help myself."
"Well you should have thought straight,you can't always do what you want to do."
"I am doing just that and I've already done what I need to."
"Whatever... just get your car away, I need to leave."she turned to the cab though she didn't want to.

"Where are you going to?"
"I'm heading to Cincinnati."she blurted out.
"For how long?"
"As long as I need to,get yourself home."she held the door handle to pull."WAIT Liza just hold on a bit."her hand let go of the handle and like she was being controlled by something she turned to face him.

"I want you to stay please."she wanted to give in right there and then"why should I stay,give me a reason."

"I need you here...I love you Eliza and I know you do too."he drew closer to her"That's why we are still married,that's why we.tried to work on ourselves else we would have given up long ago...we still need each other.I know I was wrong,find a place in your heart to forgive me."

"I've forgiven you Pascal."

"Just come back to me,I'll make up for my mistakes don't leave."he was on his knees and the people around were touched.

"His apologizing ma'am you should go back to him."the driver and some people advised.

"You don't have to listen to them and give in out of pity .I want you to be sure of this ."he appealed.

"Get up ."she said casually and Pascal obeyed.She chortled with a smile "I have to give in Pascal or I'll die in grief." She hooked her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his as his hands snaked around her waist.

"I love you darling"
"I love you too... I'm sorry."

"I deserved your cold attitude, was all worth it in the end,wasn't it?"he teased her a bit "I'm tired we should head back home, I haven't been there for a while...wonder how you've been coping hmmm."

"You gave me a hard time when you left .I'm glad your coming back.It will be lively once again."

"I'll take your word. I won't leave again."
"I know you won't.It was my fault you did."

"Don't blame yourself."she kissed him again
"Fine.I won't we can work on having a family now, can't we?"

"Starting when?"
"Tonight.I'm look forward to it."she chuckled.
"Me too.lets go now."she said and he released his arms from her.

The driver had already removed her luggages and put them in Pascal's car before the couple zoomed off.

They held hands as they walked into the penthouse.
"I can smell something."she remarked
"Is that lasanga?"

"You got it right."Cait said as she welcomed the couple, Franklin and Olivia followed behind.

"You did it Pascal."
"It feels like an accomplishment."

"We're you two behind this?"she pointed at Frank and Cait "of course you didn't think we'll let you leave,did you?"

"I thought as much."she faced Pascal"you weren't meant to be back until tomorrow, I could have left by now."

"How did you know that?"he turned to her
"I have my ways."she shrugged and looked away.
"I'm not a stalker."

"Let's get in,I thought you'd both be back when the food was already cold."

"He convinced me to stay on time."she said and left with Cait and Olivia.

"I have a feeling that it was a hard thing to do, wasn't it?"Frank queried.
"It was but at least it was worth it."

"Pascal come over here."Eliza shouted from the other room.
"Coming darling."
"Frank do you need a special invitation?"
"Of course not honey."the men shook their heads as they walked to the breakfast bar.

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