Comincia dall'inizio


We packed up camp in the morning and then left only making it to the entrace of Forgetful Valley. Again Ming was in my bag and we had left Appa at the entrance, now Momo came along with us.

   "So this must be it: Forgetful Valley." Aang spoke.

   "How do you know?" Sokka asked. "Are you detecting something with your special Avatar powers?"

   "No. It says on the sign." Aang pointed out the sign.

   "Okay.." I placed my hands on my hips and looked up at the greenery that surrounded us. "Now, where do we go from here?"

   "I'm not sure." Zuko replied. "There's not even a path."

   "Come on, Zuzu." Azula spoke before shooting fire. "For a true firebender there's always a path!

   "What are you doing?!" Katara asked.

   Zuko, Aang, And I tried putting out the fire.

   "I suppose one of you imbeciles has a better idea on how to proceed." Azula spoke.

   "Any idea is better than burning down the whole forest!" Katara yelled at her.

   "What'd I tell you last time you did something like this?" Sokka sarcastically asked. "Oh yeah, NATURE HATES YOU."

   "Will you three, shut up?!" I spat and sighed. "Look, we shouldn't be arguing with someone who thinks her way is the right way.
   Let's just look for Ursa as quickly as we can. We have a lot of ground to cover, Right?" They glared away from me. "Aang, back me up here!"

   "I would but.." I turned around to see Aang covering his face once again. "I am detecting something with my special Avatar powers! It's kind of making me wanna go.."
   He made a weird face with it uneven. "Like this.."

   "Sweetie, not with the faces again." Katara spoke.

   "Kaida, you feel like bug spitting again?" Sokka asked and I flicked him.

   "No!" I crossed my arms and looked around. "But Aang might be onto something. Look around, there are hidden faces everywhere."

   "Yeah, like check out this leaf!" Sokka made the same sorrow face as the one on the leaf.

   "Sokka, stop!" Katara warmed. "Aang can't help it, but you're just being a jerk."

   "And that squirrel toad!" Sokka mimicked the happy face, then the angry face on the bark. "And the bark of the tree."

   "It's creepy." I muttered.

    "And that giant flutter bat over there!" Sokka pointed out. "Aang, the patterns on its wings sort of looks like the face you're making."

   "Hey, you're right!" Aang replied. "Don't fly away, Mr. Flutter bat! I think we're meant to be friends."

   "Aang, don't run off by yourself!" Zuko warned. "You don't know what's out there!"

   "So much for not running off." I spoke as Aang flew after the animal. "Come on, I think he went this way. I feel something."

   "Please don't throw up another bug." Katara backed away and I splashed her.

   "Something spiritual!" I growled and then the shark tooth necklace felt weird. "We're nowhere near the ocean.."

   I looked up and felt a pull in the forward direction so I started running as the pull got even stronger.

"Kaida, slow down!" Zuko called.

I didn't slow down because this pull was strong, we were no where near the ocean. It had to be him, I've never felt this before but I just know it has to be him. Why did I suddenly just get so excited to be reunited with Yoshiro?
I finally made it to the small pond and took in the tranquil area. The water was so still that it reflected everything around it, like a mirror.

"Woah." I jumped as Aang came out of nowhere. "So this is what it was leading me too. It's beautiful."

"It feels unreal." I breathed.

"Kaida! Aang!" We heard the others call.

"Over here!" Aang called. "Check this out!"

The others came out and they had made the same observations that I had earlier.

"This feels familiar." Aang spoke and I had agreed. "So...Tranquil.. it reminds me of Tui and La's pool in the Northern Water Tribe."

"That's it." I whispered almost disappointed, no I was clearly disappointed.

"Be respectful, everybody. This is a very spiritual place." Aang said.

"YOU AGAIN!" Azula growled before attacking the water. "Don't you ever shut up?!"

"Azula, No!" Zuko called.

"What did I just say about being respectful?!" Aang arued.

"She told you to lead me here, didn't she?!" Azula yelled at him and shot fire at him. "So she could keep tormenting me with her lies!"

"That's enough!" Zuko blocked the fire.

"Finally." I gathered water from the pond. "It is enough! We've tried to put up with her, but she's just to0 dangerous."

Before I could actually trap Azula, I was scratched with a flower, I can only assume they were frozen to make them sharp. The others were also getting attacked.

"These are the prettiest throwing stars I've ever seen." Aang said as he got a closer look at the weapon.

"It's like the forest itself is attacking us!" Katara pointed out.

"Because nature hates her!" Sokka pointed at Azula.

"Heads up! More incoming." Zuko spoke and we looked over.

Aang, Zuko, and Sokka were stopping the stars. Katara had made the same observation as I had earlier whoever was bending the flowers also started bending the vines as well. They were having a harder time fighting off everything.

   "That's it." I inhaled and stopped the plants that were about to impale us. "Whoever you are, come out and show yourself. You aren't the only one in this forest who can waterbend."

   And just like that two older people came out from the trees, both had been wearing Water Tribe clothes but the man had a mask with two eye holes.
Not what I was expecting but okay..

Re-Edited; 7/14/21

After The EndingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora