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wow this is the last chapter :( i haven't written a fic in years so if this one sucked sorry but it wasn't fun writting so get fucked

the next few days were a blur to katsuki until he had to pull deku off of shoto once again during versus battle training at ground beta.

"DEKU I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF YOU MAIM MY BOYFRIEND I WILL NEVER TALK TO YOU AGAIN" bakugou yelled as he wrapped his arms around dekus middle and pulled the boy off of his lover.

"KACCHAN HE HURT YOU THIS IS JUSTIFIED JUST LIKE HOW IIDAS MURDER ATTEMPT WAS" deku yelled back as he tried to get out of katsukis grasp

their teacher, who was erasing their quirks, stopped.

"iidas what now?" he questions as he turned to the rest of the class, his eyes locking onto iida

"sir i think we should focus all our attention on the issue at hand with all respect!" iida sharply stated from the sidelines

aizawa stared at iida with pinched eyes and decided he was right and turned back to the three who were currently trying to kill eachother.

"alright that's enough!" they all froze

"in the future you guys are gonna have to work together for your jobs so whatever dumb rivalry you got going on right now squash it, alright?"

"sir i can't just 'squash it'. he hurt my best friend! badly if i may add and now he's just walking around like nothing fucking happened so no i can't 'squash it' cause i'm pissed and i have a right to be"

hearing these words from deku made something click in bakugou. he never told him they made up. deku probably just thinks that they just ignored the problem and started dating again like the emotionally constipated duo that they are.

"deku i don't know how you didn't fucking figure this one out yourself but we fucking talked it out and made up. he knows what he did was wrong but when he did it he didn't fucking know it was wrong you goddamn idiot. do you honestly think i'd be with him still if he thought what he did was okay still?" bakugou said in a slightly raised voice as he let go of deku only to turn him and push him to the ground. he crouched down in front of the boy.

"listen, i know you care and shit but knock it off. me and him are good now. yeah that shit he did hurt but he had good intentions so lay off of him would ya? don't you want your friend back dumbass?" he said

"kacchan he hurt you, like really hurt you. the only ever time i've seen you that hurt was when your mom-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" bakugou yelled as he backhanded deku

"kacchan that hurt" deku said as he rubbed his cheek with a frown

it was normal for the two to hit eachother so no one batted an eye at this. if the two ever dated though, they would be questioned multiple times about whether or not their relationship was abusive.

while the two continued to argue todoroki pushed himself off of the ground and made his way over to the two. he stood next to katsuki but not too close to deku in fear of being attacked again. 

"midoriya you know better than anyone else why i would never purposefully try to hurt katsuki. do you think that after what happened with my own family that i'd grow up just to do it myself? you know me, midoriya. outside of training i would never hurt him." shoto says while staring intensely at midoriya

midoriya looked at kacchan and then todoroki. he couldn't tell what to think of what the two had said but eventually he came to a conclusion.

"you two really worked things out? with actual words and feelings and didn't brush anything under the rug?" he questioned

"yes you fucking nerd that's what i've been saying the whole time if you'd just listen to me" bakugou sighed out as he stood up

"alright then i guess i can stop trying to kill your boyfriend" deku said as he moved to get up

shoto held out a helping hand towards the boy which he gratefully accepted. the two really did miss being friends with each other. after pulling deku up the three turned to walk back to the sidelines and let the next pair go. they were met with the confused faces of their classmates and an uninterested looking teacher.

"what did todoroki mean by 'what happened with his own family" denki asked the returning trio

"yeah and what did bakugous mom do?" sero added in

the trio shared a look with each other as they arrived at the sidelines with the rest of the class.

"that's a story for another time" deku said with his usually sparkly smile

"alright next pair kirishima and satou, you're up!"

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