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third person pov

it was the day after the incident. the day after every one walked into the commons and found deku basically killing todoroki. the day after they saw kaminari drag bakugou into the commons in hopes of him getting the two to stop. it was the day after they found out the truth about bakugou.

today was the day that class 1-a found out that you cant trust everyone. of course we arent talking about bakugou right now. specifically we're talking about mineta, tsui, ochako, hagekure,shinsou, and ojirou. these six woke up the next day and chose violence.

it was during homeroom that it happened. aizawa skipped attendnce and told iida to make sure everyone is in second period. he then left mumbling something about a sale on bed sheets that was just too good to miss. iida being class president was more than happy to oblidge. he started calling roll. he got to bakugous name and realized the male wasnt there. todoroki and deku stood up at the same time.

"ill go get him" they said at the same time

the class looked between the two boys and then to iida wondering who out of the two would actually be going to get bakugou. thats when the violence started.

"why are they both so eager to get her its not like she makes the class any better" ojirou said under his breath

unfortunately for him kaminaris hearing is amazing

"bro...the fuck did you say" kaminari asked while getting up from his seat to fully face ojiro


"dont huh me what the fuck did you just say about him"

"you mean her?"

thats when people started paying more attention to what the two were saying.

"no actually i meant tranny but whatever you wanna call her is cool"

"so i can call you a damn mutt since you have a tail like one then" kaminari says while putting his hands infront of him to lean onto ojirous desk. he had a smile on his face but he wasnt giving off his normal friendly vibes

"kaminari what the hell"

"exactly bitch he's not a fucking girl so stop addressing him like one. just cause he has the body parts of one doesnt mean he has to or wants to be one. we dont choose what we're born with and im sure you didn't ask to be fucking born with a mother fucking tail like a fucking golden retriever dumbass" kaminari spats out at him and then he literally spat at him

all of class 1-a was in shock. theyd never seen kaminari like this.

kaminari sat back down at his desk with his usual dopey smile on his face again. he looked at iida as if urging him to go on with roll. iida took the hint and looked back at todoroki and deku. he stole a glance at ojirou who was fuming. his face could be a representation for todorokis left side. most of class 1-a had also never seen ojirou like this. sure they've seen him get serious during training or frustrated when a new skill he tries doesnt work but never angry at another classmate.

"ojirou if you need to excuse yourself to calm down then please do so" iida states as he did not want for this situation to go any further than what just happened.

"no iida im fine" ojirou says through clenched teeth while wiping his face off  "im not surpised with kaminaris actions i mean he is special ed after all"

and then what iida didnt want to happen happened. it escalated

as soon as the words left his mouth kaminari was out of his chair for the second time today but this time it was accompanied by a punch to the right side of ojirous jaw. the human spark plug was too fast for ojirou to dodge it so he took the full force of kaminaris hit which knocked him out of his chair and onto the floor. even more mad now ojirou used his tail to push him off of the ground and tackle kaminari.

the other 18 students seemed to have gotten the point that they were fighting over who was in the right. was it kaminari or ojirou. thirteen of the students chose kaminaris side while the other obvious five chose ojirous. while iida was yelling at the two to stop others were egging them on.

"beat his ass kaminari"

"show him whos right ojirou"

"go for the tail"

"come on your smarter and strong than that fag"

"get him ojirou"

hearing the words coming out of each others mouths the class looked at eachother. at 8:09 everyone was in their seats egging on kaminari and ojirou. at 8:10 they were all trying to kill eachother. by 8:27 kirishima has shinsou pinned on the ground and deku had beaten mineta into a bloody disfigured pulp. sero had hagekure hanging from the ceiling after wrapping her entire body in his tape after she decided to take off all of her clothes. all of them. momo had grabbed a hold of tsuis tongue as soon as she tried to use it against her. she had made a 55 pound dumbell and tied it around tsuis tongue. while tsui was trying to get her tongue free momo made a bag of salt and poured it over tsuis body and tongue. ochako tried to beat todoroki by putting distance between them and making herself float while thinking of a plan but todoroki already had one. he used his left side, his favorite side, and made ice high enough to reach her. he then trapped one of her feet in the ice and proceeded to trap her entire lower body. he knew she could just make the entire thing of ice float but she would be dumb to do so. the ice would be too heavy for her to use against him and even if she did try to use it against him he did had a way to combat ice but she did not have a way to combat fire.

it was absoloute chaos. with no homeroom teacher coming back to stop them and a class rep who was no longer in control it didn't seem like things would calm down. that was until aizawa and bakugou walked into the room.

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