Rias:ok but why is my and sona family is here?

She point at the groups of gremory and sitri.

Sona:yeah why is that?

She question.

Issei:well both sona mom and dad is really friendly when i was in their home make me feel really ungrateful if i dont invite them here. And for rias i just think it would be fair if only sona family is here.

Saji:well since its issei we talking about that does make a lot of sense.

Saji walk into our conversation with a drink in hand.

Issei:so tsuba-


Issei:you're disappointing me now you know.

Saji:she just not that prepare for a relationship calm down man.


Sona:although saji interuption is kinda a bit rude i can see where he's going. It make sense since its you. Also where fou?


I point toward fou who was busy stuffing his face with food on the table.


Issei:he is. Anyway you should go to your parent they calling.

Sona turn back to see her parents are calling her using hand gesture.

Sona:coming! Bye sweety

Issei:bye for now.

I place a kiss om her forehead and rias goes to her family. I then walk away then mordred is dragging me to the other harem members.

With rias.

Rias:so brother.

Sirzech:yes rias?

Rias:why are you here? Didnt you say that your busy today?

Sirzech does a nervous laugh.

Sirzech:well rias its rude to reject people invititation when they ask politely.

Grayfia:yeah keep telling yourself that.


Sirzech was in his office doing some paper work.

Sirzech:somebody once told the world is-

His singing was stop by a latter that fall on his desk. He took the latter and read its content. When he found out it was a invitation by issei he cry.

Sirzech:thank you issei.

He said while holding the latter very close.

Flashback ends.

Sirzech:im not being here because i just want to escape work. Im here because i was politely ask.

Grayfia:yeah right.

She said while rolling her eyes.

With sona

Sona:sis why are you here today?

Serafall:i was ask by my little sister fiance how can i say no?

She said with a big smile on her face.

Sona:really now?

She said squiting one of her eyes.


She said her smile never falter.


Serafall was sleeping on her desk to escape fron doing paperwork. The  she heard a sound and a see a bright light that was issei latter.

issei hyoudou the gaming wizardKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat