(4) Packing Bags

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Tommy's POV

I woke up. It was 2:25 PM. I hadn't gotten like, any sleep. I kept waking up due to panic attacks at night. I decided I'd pack my bags for the trip today. It is tomorrow after all. But first, I had to call Wilbur.

I got on discord and called him.


"Hey Wilbur. I just thought I should talk to you." I said. "Okay, about what?" He asked. I took a deep breath. "I barely got any sleep last night. I kept waking up because of panic attacks." I explained. "Oh, Tommy.. make sure you're drinking plenty of water and eating healthily." He told me. I went quiet. "You are doing that, right?" He asked. I stayed quiet. "Tommy-" "Yeah. I have, yeah." I lied.

"Tommy, are you being honest with me?" Wilbur asked me. "Yes, Wilbur, I am." I kept lying. Why did I decide to call him? "Well make sure you keep doing so." He warned me. "Yeah, okay." I said. "Tommy, I worry about you a lot these days. Your mental health has been declining like crazy." He told me. "I'm glad you care, Wil." I said and hung up.

Wilbur tried calling me back but I ignored him.

After 4 more tries I picked up.
"What?" I asked.

"Tommy.. What's wrong? You've been seeming upset today." He told me. "I just slept terribly last night, sorry Wil." I apologized. "Oh, okay. Take care of yourself, Tommy." He said. "I'm going to go pack my bags and then I'll eat." I said and hung up.


I had finished packing my bags. I had 10 T-shirts, 3 pairs of jeans, 3 pairs of sweatpants, and 2 pairs of shorts. I'll bring with me a hat, some water, and some more personal items. I put my bag by the door for tomorrow.

"Tommy, you need to eat something." My mom said. I decided to eat an orange. "I'm not very hungry mum!" I said. After eating I went to the bathroom. I knelt down beside the toilet. My phone started ringing. It was Wilbur.


can't talk now




I'm busy Wilbur








call me later

I finished throwing up my food. I left the bathroom after cleaning up and called Wilbur.

"You needed something?" I asked. "Yeah. Did you pack your bags?" He asked. "Yeah." I responded. "Good. Good Tommy." He laughed. "So what did you pack?" He asked me. "Uh, some shirts, pants, water, that's it." I said. "That's good enough." Wilbur said.

We ended up playing some Bedwars together, as we were both bored.

"Well Wilbur, it's 6:00. I'm gonna head off for the night, finish packing and everything, then sleep at 8. We have a big day tomorrow!" I said excitedly. "I'm really hyped to see you, Tubbo, Techno, Dream, and Eret!" Wilbur said. I ended the call.

I texted the groupchat one last message before going to bed.


see you soon :)

Yeah, it's only 6, but I'm tired.

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