🐺 This Can't Be Real - Part 2

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My eyelids lazily opened after what felt like seconds of darkness. Light poured in from my right side, causing me to blink several times until my eyes were finally adjusted. Above me I saw a blank, white ceiling. I tried to remember what happened before I became unconscious, but my mind was hazy and thinking started to make my head hurt.

I gave up on my effort and instead looked around to get a grasp on my surroundings. At first I thought I was in my own room, but when I spotted someone sitting in the corner of the room on an unfamiliar piece of furniture, I knew I was wrong. For a moment I was startled, why was someone watching me sleep? But once my eyes finally focused on the figure, I was no longer on edge.

It was Siyeon. She looked at me for a moment, just observing me, and I finally realized how strange this situation was. Clearly I wasn't in my own room, so how did I end up in Siyeon's out of all people? Once again, in my effort to understand what was going on, my brain began aching. I instinctively sat up in bed and held my head in my hands.

"Here," I heard Siyeon's voice float through the room as she approached me, "take this." I relaxed my hands and turned to see her offering a few pills and a glass of water. For a moment I just stared at it, skeptical, but she insisted, "It's not gonna kill you, I promise." She chuckled. "It'll help with your headache."

Of course it was just medicine, I don't know why I was even worried in the first place. I guess waking up in an unfamiliar bed was just making me extra cautious. Speaking of... "Where am I? Why am I here?" I asked after swallowing the pills.

Siyeon took a seat on the end of the bed and answered, "I found you passed out at the party last night and brought you here, to my house." My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. Passed out? That doesn't sound like me. I don't even drink.

"What do you mean I passed out? What happened?" She looked down for a moment with a frown on her face. What could be so bad that she didn't seem to want to tell me?

Finally, after letting out a sigh, she focused her eyes back on me and said "I think you were drugged."

A shiver went down my spine as I processed her words. The shock eventually set in and my mind began racing with questions. "W-why would someone do that? H-how?" I stumbled over my words, still not understanding why this all was even happening.

"Someone must've slipped something in your drink while you weren't looking." Siyeon explained, making me feel sick to my stomach. How could I be so careless? I don't even remember drinking at that party. "Luckily I found you right after you passed out. I can't be sure who did it, but I'm just glad they didn't do anything worse-" She seemed to be angered at the thought, but I was more focused on how I even managed to let that happen. The only person I knew there was-

"Wait, what about Landon?" I tried to search my memories of last night but the only thing I remembered was arriving at the party. "Do you know what happened to him?" Siyeon looked over at me and her dark expression immediately worried me.

"Landon and two of his friends were in an accident last night." If I thought what she said earlier was shocking, this hit like a punch in the gut. "They all died." Her tone was dull, but she didn't appear to be lying.

"What?" This all seemed so sudden and I grew more confused by the second. "I-I was just with him." And now he's... dead? How is that possible?

"He left after you were drugged." Siyeon explained. "He was driving both of his friends home from the party and ended up swerving off a bridge and falling into a ravine. The police said they were likely intoxicated." She cringed after finishing, realizing how horrible the whole thing sounded.

I was still in shock and found all of the information hard to take in. How does that just happen? One second I'm at a party on a date with some guy and the next I'm in a someone else's bed being told that I was drugged and that my date and his friends are now dead. This makes no sense. Something isn't right here. Then I realized something...

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