The celestial gives her a 'hey' nod in reply and clenches his jaw, eyes casting to look at their usual table before drifting back to Jazz. Melon green, chetrause-- Cas was anxious. Jazz wanted to say something, he wanted to ask him why those colors were humming sadly into his song, he wanted to know how to help, but Viv was standing right there and the celestial always seemed like a private guy and he wouldn't want a stranger up in his business.

"Go sit down Viv," Jazz points to their table. "I'll be there in a second."

The weirdo rolls her eyes before doing as he said, dyed purple curls framing her face messily as she kicked her feet onto what will be the musician's seat, making him sigh.

Some things just never change.

When Jazz turned to Cas, the celestial seemed to be bracing for something-- shoulder's tense, head held high but eyes unwavering as they took him in, searching for something unknown.

"I know she kinda ambushed the both of us," He admits sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he takes in his cheratuse and moss and ethereal green, worried and nervous but also expectant. He couldn't figure out what would make his song sound so... bothered? "And that you don't know Viv at all, but she's not as crazy as she seems, I promise. Are you, um, are you comfortable having her sit with us? If not, she'll understand, Our families are really good about respecting boundaries and of course I want to respect yours and if you're not comfortable or something bothered you, you don't even have to tell me why, just that you want to leave or not be around something-- not that I'm saying you aren't capable of establishing boundaries yourself but some people get really nervous about that and, and... I'm rambling, sorry. Um... coffee? Sitting? Yes?"

Cas blinks at him, beautiful gray eyes widening slightly and something shifts in his tune-- something soft and sweet and covered in sunflowers and mint leaves, and so green that it almost knocks Jazz right off his feet.

"Yeah," He said softly. "It's okay, I won't be talking--" He growls. "--much though."

The musician smiles at him, happy his worry lessened and that the celestial looked a bit more comfortable-- and the celestial offered him one back and holy fuck, yeah its definitely a crush.

Jazz almost choked on the sudden thumping of his heart, the sudden feeling in his chest, the sudden realization. His cheeks blazed and he could feel the heat reach his ears and all from one beautiful, albeit small, smile and a warm feeling of green slamming into his chest.

"That's okay!" He quickly gruffed out, voice a bit more strangled than normal as he hopefully turns around before Jazz can pick up on his 'oh-my-god you're so cute' blush and rushed towards the table, Cas' lighter footsteps behind him and echoing in moss and lime. "Viv will talk enough for the both of you."

Viv will talk and Jazz will die inside over how fucking easy the celestial made him red. Stupid last name, jinxing him for life.

Pulling up a chair for the celestial, Jazz lifts it with a single hand, dumping Viv's feet off of it while shaking off the dirt her shoes left at the same time.

"So," The weirdo leaned forward, eyeing her best friend before smirking. "Why are you blushing, Jazz?"

"None of your fucking business," The musician gruffed out, minty eyes glaring at his best friend-- only his stupid face grew hotter. "Viv, meet Cas, he's my really cool roommate! Oh!" Jazz suddenly leans forward, a warm smile on his face. "He has like, a ton of books and he organizes things really well, the dorm looks really nice and he lets me go on runs with him! That's why we are here actually, well, not because we were running but because we always come here after a run-- hey, you actually interfered with our schedule, shame on you! Wait, this is the first time you've disrupted, first time you've been here at this time." He blinks at her. "So what are you doing here, Viv?"

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