Eighteen (OLD VERSION)

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"Do you want to know?" Daisuke asks softly, catching you off guard. It was a tone you had never heard.

"Eh? Isn't it because your grandmother wants you to marry someone and continue your family name?" He smiles and shook his head. "I don't care of the Kambe Group and I don't plan to continue it. You can say that I'm just a representative for my grandmother."

He reaches his arms and cups your face, slightly brushing over the slightly bruise part of your face. You flinched under his touch.

"The car accident seventeen years ago.. It wasn't an accident." Your eyes widened. How did he know about the accident? "Your parents died. Your mother was in the backseat with you, holding you close to her.."

"How did you--" "The car couldn't be stopped and the rain didn't help the situation," he didn't stop to let you speak. "You were heading to a villa far from the city, but someone had paid for an assassination of you and your family."

Memories that you didn't want to remember all flooded in your mind in slow motion. What Daisuke had said were all true. You were just ten years old and your family was going on a trip. A truck was heading your way and your father was trying to steer away from it. But, he was too slow. Your mother held you and you did the same, not knowing what was happening as it all went to fast.

"How did you.." you began to choke on your words as tears of sealed past came forward. ".. I was there."

Your eyes widened. You only recollected of you and your family being the ones in the car.. Wait, no.. You tried to remember and indeed- other than you- your mother was hugging two, young children, one was older by a couple of years, considering their height and build.

Daisuke looks at you with sorrowful eyes as you let your tears fall. You hadn't cried this much in many, many years so it was the first time in a long while.

Daisuke brought you close and you instinctively wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into his chest as your legs gave in. "You made a jokingly promise of you wanting to marry me.." he says softly.

"And I accepted."


A month or two had passed and you were back to normal by then. You still worked at the convenience store but also is studying law enforcement with the help of Daisuke. You were reluctant and threw quite the fight, saying how you wanted to earn the money yourself to get into college.

Daisuke also had given up on forcing you to marry him and let you study. Well, not entirely though. He is courting you the way you asked him to, taking his time to make you slowly fall for him.

"Where are you?" you say over the phone. "Hurry up, it's getting cold just standing out here!" You were waiting for Daisuke to pick you up from college since he told you to wait for him.

"I'm right behind you," he said. You turned around and see him smiling with his phone close up to his ear. You hung up the phone and he did the same. "Geez, what took you so long?"

"I was preparing something," he said. You were about to ask but he just said a quick 'let's go' and dragged you to his car.

You soon arrived at a fancy restaurant that Daisuke had reserved for tonight. It was one of his many plans as a date which you had agreed to most of it.

After the dinner, you two strolled around for a bit in comfortable silence, the sun longed gone and replaced with the moon and dark sky.

"Will you accept my proposal now?" Daisuke asks, breaking the silence. You turned to face him and smiled.




Can't Buy Me [OLD VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now