Shit! I totally forgot to phone my father!

"W-Where is my father?" I stutter.

"In your house busy shouting – no wait..." It sounds as if Lydia is opening a curtain. "...he is leaving your house. Sorry. He is leaving your house now, but he was very angry when he arrived here."

"I will phone him later on." I tell my friend.

"You better." Lydia scoffs. "I need to go for now my friend. Toulouse is demanding that I sit with him. Bye. I love you."

"I love you too." I hang up my phone.

I walk back to the till point and to my surprise, all the groceries are already being packed into packets and to an even bigger surprise, Ransom is paying for the groceries!

I cannot help but smile broadly. He never pays for his groceries. I usually was the one who purchased all the groceries – well Ransom never went grocery shopping and he just gave me his credit card.

"Just so you know..." Ransom leans in to whisper in my ear. "You will be cooking tonight." he states.

I dismiss his comment and help the lady pack the remains of the groceries.

"Unless you want Callie to pop over again." Ransom adds just as I start to push the trolley. I halt and shoot him a look of irritation.

"I'm kidding." Ransom says in a smug tone, which makes me think that he is not joking.

I push the trolley out the store as Ransom walks behind me – without even helping me!


I collapse on the couch after I have spent the past 3 hours packing the groceries away, cleaning the kitchen and making lunch for Ransom and I. Granted it was just a sandwich, it was still a lot of work, especially when Ransom is picky about what he eats.

"The cheese must be grated, not sliced."

"You need to cut the ham thinner."

"Butter both sides of the bread."

He is so picky! It irks the living shit out of me! I offered to make a cheese and tomato sandwich, and Ransom decided to make it difficult by adding the specially made ham he wanted to purchase. To top it off, there was also all of his other specifications of how I must make the sandwich.

I close my eyes and let out a loud sigh of relief that I can finally relax.

Just then, I hear a bark so loud that I nearly jump out of my own skin. I open my eyes wide to see that Sheila is sitting right in front of me. She is holding her lead in her mouth, looking at me with her version of puppy dog eyes. It's quite cute actually.

"Not...not now." I say breathlessly.

She starts to whine places her paw on my leg. "No girl..." I let out a breath.

"Sheila! Out!" I jump up off the couch, only to fall back down again. Even my own legs are like "nope."

Sheila drops her lead and snarls at Ransom, who is probably by the kitchen or by the stairs.

"Out!" Ransom orders.

Sheila then does what I would never think she would do. She trots outside and I hear the door close – more like slam.

Did...Did Sheila just listen to Ransom? RANSOM?

"Are you alright?" Ransom asks, making himself visible for me to see, and he sits down next to me.

Your GhostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora