Part five-uninvited guest

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I looked and saw....her..
Y/n: what do you want?
???: aw thats not any way to treat your beloved older sister.
Y/n: can you stop trying to get in touch with me, I already told you..I don't want you to get involved with me.
???: I know! But if you say that then leave for 6 years, who wouldn't worry!
Y/n: she(stepmom) wouldn't..
???: shut up, stop talking about her, she's a monster, it was hell living there...
Y/n: ...whatever, why do you keep trying to look for me?
???: how am I supposed to survive this cruel and evil world if I didn't know wether my little sister was safe and alive.
Y/n: ...well you saw me, you can get going to now..
???: oh okay bye then!
She ran away happily.
Y/n thinking: shes pretty obedient today, whatever, I should probably be getting back...I'm a bit tired..
I was walking to the hideout, it was late and I was almost at the hideout.
I had finally reached the hideout and opened the door.
Suga: boss!? Your back!? Are you okay!?
Y/n: ...I'm fine..
I walked past all of them and kept my head down as I walked up to my bedroom.
Suga: what happened to the boss?
Nishinoya: uhh we kinda pulled a prank on the boss, but it went too far and she got a bit upset heh...
Suga: idiot! Why would you decide to prank the boss?! And why didn't you even tell us or inform us about this prank!?
Nishinoya: yeah, I was going to do that, but I forgot...I'm sorry..
Suga: you better b-
Someone knocked on the door.
Akkashi: I'll open it.
Akkashi opened the door and it was my sister.
???: hello! 
She entered the house.
Everyone surrounded her and pointed their guns at her.
???: geez what tight security.. I'm guessing she hasn't arrived yet..
Y/n: hey guys what happen- what are you doing here!?
???: y/n-channnn help meee!
Y/n: *sigh* guys guns down-this is my sister, you guys can call her misa.
Misa: y/n!-
Y/n: what are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to not see me or look for me?
Misa: I will be watching you from this da-
Her phone started ringing.
Misa: hold on..
She walked further away and answered the call.
???: misa, why have you not come home yet?
Misa:  I already told you beth, I'm never coming home again.
???: please come back home...I promise I'll be a better mother to you..
Misa: you've said that a lot of times, your not my mom, so stop saying that...
???: fine then, don't come home! I don't need you in MY home!!
Misa: okay fine I don't care! Don't ever try to contact me again...
???: brat...
Misa: slut...
???: what did you say!? You ungrateful little bi-
She hung up

Misa: okay now back to what we were everyone okay?
Y/n: they are fine, just go now..
Misa: but mom promised me to watch over you.
Y/n: ....can you not speak of her..
Misa: oh yeah...sorry..but its true, you must let me keep my end of a promise!
Y/n: fine whatever! Yoko-san, show misa to a room for her to sleep in.
Yoko: yes boss..
I walked up to my bedroom again.
Y/n thinking: todays such a bad day..
Someone suddenly opened my door. It was kenma.
Kenma: ah-boss?
Y/n: yes?
Kenma: can I come in?
Y/n: ..uhh, sure.
Kenma: okay...
He entered my room.
Y/n: did you need something?
Kenma: no not really...I was just wondering if you were okay, you seemed kinda down..
y/n: no..its nothing..
we sat side by side, not saying a word.
Y/n: you can-
I said as I lifted my head up to face kenma. He suddenly kissed me.
Y/n: !! Ah-what was that for!? *blushing*
Kenma: heh..
he kissed me again. I didn't know what to do.
He then whispered in my ear.
Kenma: kiss me...
y/n: ah! Can you not do that! *blushing, embarrassed*
Kenma: you have the cutest reactions...
Y/n: shut up...
I kissed him very quickly.
Y/n: there? Happy? Now please leave..
Kenma: *shocked, surprised* oh okay...
He then left.
Y/n thinking: was it just me or was kenma giving a reaction I've never seen before- heh that was cute....
The misa entered my room.
Misa: y/n-channn-lets dress up!
Y/n: no.
Misa: please!!
Y/n: no. Go ask yoko-san or the other girls..
Misa: fine then, meanie!
She left my room.
Right before I was about to lay on my bed, someone had knocked on my door once again.
Y/n: come in.
It was nishinoya.
Nishinoya: hey boss. I wanted to say sorry about the prank...
Y/n: oh-its fine...
Nishinoya: so does this mean I'm off the hook?
Y/n: no you will be getting punished. But I'll think about it later...
Nishinoya: oh okay, also kiyoko said to some down and eat!
Y/n: okay..I'll be down..
i went downstairs to go eat and saw...
To be continued...

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