Part two-newcomers

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We all woke up the next day.
I wore my work clothes. My black jump suit and white waist band. I just left my hair down.
Y/n: yoko-san can you call the others to the meeting room. Make sure they are wearing the clothes we have gave them yesterday. And I'll meet you guys there shortly.
Yoko-san: yes boss.
She then left.
I walked to the meeting room and sat down in a chair waiting for everyone to arrive.
Akkashi: hey boss, is it a mission?
Y/n: yes, ill explain it when everyone arrives.
Akkashi: okay boss.
After, the others arrived, dressed as well.
Yoko-san: we are all here now...
Y/n: thank you lets get started
Everyone: yes boss!!
Y/n: we have an assassination mission, we will be killing this guy, *shows picture to everyone* he is a drug dealer, he tortures innocent people, and is loaded with money. We will kill him when he goes out tonight, we tracked his schedule, so he should be at a stripping club tonight. We need to get him alone and take him out. We will have saeko, yachi, and kiyoko distract him, get him into a room where he's alone. Got it?
Yachi&yoko&saeko: yes boss!!
Y/n; okay then we will have teru, lev, and hinata. Find the people working for him and knock them out, make sure no one notices though.
Lev, hinata, teru: yes boss!
Y/n: now before i forget, we the girls will have "bodyguards", they are already waiting over there. 'Kay now everyone must keep watch of the target. Watch his every move. If you guys can before you knock the targets workers, try to get some info out of them. Is everyone clear with the plan? Anyone that doesn't agree with this plan? Questions?
Tendou: me! Who's going to kill the target?
Y/n: I am.
Y/n: now anyone else? No? Now lets head out!
Everyone: yes boss!
We all went into the cars and went to the strip club.
Teru: why do we always have to go to a nasty place one after another ughhh
Yachi: don't worry teru-san I've never been there before, but i don't think its as bad as you think it is..heh
Teru: thanks yachi~ your so kind~
Yachi: ah-no problem teru-san~
Y/n: teru-san, stop being so dramatic.
Teru: yes boss..!
Suga: the group sure grew a lot! There's way more people than our last recruitment group!
Lev: yeah its because our last group was skilled so we didn't need so many people.
Y/n: lev your being ride to the new recruitments group. Apologize.
Lev: sorry new guys heh~
New guys: its fine lev
We arrived at our destination.
Y/n: once we get inside start searching for our target, once you see him, tell me immediately. Then we go and start our plan. Got it guys?
Everyone: yes boss
We went inside.
y/n: make sure you guys don't interact with anyone else. I'll look for the "bodyguards". Start searching for the target.
everyone: yes boss!
Y/n: so there you guys are.
???1:  hey y/n its been a while~ miss me~
Y/n: not really oikawa-san..
???1: that hurts...
Y/n: okay..
???2: where are the girls?
Y/n: they are over there iwa-san
Iwa:oh okay..
???3: are you sure this is all we need to do to be part of the group?
Y/n: yes this is very important. Now lets go.
The three of them: yes!
We walked over to the girls.
Y/n: you guys see the target yet?
Saeko: no but we think he's in a private room right now, its been a while so he should be coming out anytime.
Y/n: okay, then we have time.
Yoko-san: time for what boss?
Y/n: guys meet your "bodyguards" they will be near you watching you guys and protecting you guys at all costs. So be sure to trust them.
The girls: thank you boss!
Oikawa: hey girls~ you can trust me heh
???: stop it oikawa!
Oikawa: yes daichi~
Yoko-san: boss, are they going to be working with us from now on?
Y/n: yes thats the deal we made.
Yachi: boss, I spotted the target!
Y/n: okay thanks yachi, now girls I want you guys to distract our target and get him alone. Now go. Boys you better protect them or else you'll get punished.
Oikawa: oh yes! I want to get punished by the boss!
I slapped the back of his head
Y/n: go!
Oikawa: yes boss...
I went to go check up on the others.
Y/n: tendou, lev, info on the target?
Lev: he has 8 people in this room working with him. Hinata is getting more info on them right now.
Y/n: okay good.
Tendou: boss~ would you allow us to hang a bit and the bar nearby here after we finish the job?
Y/n: why?
Tendou: it'll be like our reward~ c'mon please!
Lev: yeah c'mon boss! It'll be fun~
Tendou: please~
Tendou the started pulling his face closer to mines. Then suddenly a hand moved his face away.
???: stop that tendou.
Tendou: ugh fine, your such a buzzkill kenma~
Kenma: you okay boss?
Y/n: yes thank you kenma.
Kenma: its nothing..
It looked as if he smiles a bit. Then he left, back to his post.
Hinata: boss, the target is in place.
Y/n: okay ill go in keep lookout
Everyone: yes boss.
I went into the room. And pulled my gun out and pointed it at the target
Y/n: duck your heads
Yachi and the girls looked at me confused.
I turned around and saw a guy pointing a gun at me from behind I dodged the bullet and shot him then shot the target.
Y/n: now get out!
I was looking the couch opposite from the girls.
???: fine fine you caught me~
It was Nishinoya.
We all walked out of the room and the group went outside.
Tendou: oh? Who's this short little guy~
Nishinoya: shut the hell up!
Suga: boss?
Y/n: i informed you guys on this, a friend from high school, this is Nishinoya.
Nishinoya: what up guys! I'll be working with you all for a while!
Y/n: and also some other allies that usually do solo, daichi, iwaizumi, and oikawa. They will also be working with us. now we have killed the target lets get going.
Nishinoya: wait wait lets go get some drinks!
Kuroo: hell yeah! Lets go-
Suga: did boss allow us?
Lev: well boss? Can we go?
Y/n: *sigh* sure but if you guys don't come back by midnight, find someone to blame. I wont be going.
Everyone: thank you boss!
Y/n: yeah yeah whatever.
I went into the car, so did Kenma apparently.
Y/n thinking: i swear why would they get drinks, what if we have a mission tomorrow. Most of them cant even hold there alcohol. Haah whatever hopefully its a solo mission tomorrow.
We arrived at the hideout.
I went inside, showered, and then went to change.
I changed into some shorts and oversized shirt. Then went to go make some food.
Y/n thinking: what should I make? Should i make some for kenma? Should I ask?
I just decided to make some ramen noodles, then went to go ask kenma if he wanted to eat as well.
I knocked on his bedroom door.
Y/n: *knocks on door* kenma? You there?
Kenma: yes boss?
Y/n: I-well I was going to cook some food and I wanted to know if you wanted some?
Kenma: oh sure.
He then opened the door. He had his towel around his waist, he had just gotten out from the shower.
Y/n: uhh-y-you should probably change first then come eat.*blushing*
Kenma: *giggles* yeah okay, ill be down in a sec.
Y/n: okay...
Y/n thinking: that was hot-wait what!? Why would i say something like that!? Ughh did he purposely do that?
I went to the kitchen to finish cooking the food.
I set it up on the table.
Y/n thinking: should I wait for kenma? Or start eating? Is it rude to eat first?
I stood there, still thinking on what i should do.
Kenma: I'm here, sorry did i take long?
Y/n: oh-ah no your fine i just finished. Lets eat now...
Kenma: okay..
We started eating. The air was really awkward since we didn't know each other well, and I never was really good at starting and continuing conversations.
Kenma: boss?
Y/n: oh-yes?
Kenma: i was wondering if I could ask you a few questions since we are alone right now...
Y/n: umm-sure if you want its fine.
Kenma: okay old are you?
Y/n: im 21...
Kenam: umm, what kind of food do you like?
Y/n: anything spicy.
Kenma: what are your hobbies besides this stuff?
Y/n: Hmm-maybe playing games on my phone?
Kenma: okay..last you have a lover?
I almost choked on a noodle after hearing that.
Y/n: *cough* what?
Kenma: sorry heh, Guessing by your reaction i guess you do right?
Y/n: I-I don't...
I blushed just saying that I didn't.
Kenma: really?
Y/n: *sigh* yes..
Kenma: then can I...
I turned to him to see if he was gonna finish his sentence or not but then When i turned to him his lips were pressed on mine.
Y/n thinking: whats he doing!? He shouldn't be doing this..
He deepened the kiss. He slipped his tongue into my mouth.
I kissed him back since he didn't allow me to push him away. After a while kenma then pulled away.
Kenma: heh cute...
Y/n: s-shut up *blushing*
After we ate and went to bed I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. It was so embarrassing that the group ended up not doing any missions for the day.
To be continued.....

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