Part four-a prank

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When I woke up I saw kenma's head leaned into my chest.
Y/n thinking: I'm pretty sure we didn't sleep like this...he so cute when he sleeps-wait no he isn't, what the heck am I thinking!?
While I was thinking to myself I didn't even notice kenma was already awake.
Kenma: good morning y/n-chan~ *in a sleepy voice*
Y/n: morning-and your supposed to call me boss.
Kenma: okay kitten-chan~
Y/n: don't call me that, just get up I need to get ready. *blushing*
Kenma: okay. *smirks*
He sat up in my bed. i moved out of my bed and got some clothes
Y/n: what are you doing?
Kenma: you told me to get up?
Y/n: I'm gonna change...
Kenma: then change, I wont look...*covers eyes*
Y/n: *sigh* you better not look.
I tuned to face my back to him and started changing.
After I finished changing.
Y/n: Im finished, now go down and eat breakfast. I'll be down shortly.
Kenma: yes boss.
He walked out.
I walked down right after.
Yoko-san: hey boss. Morning.
Y/n: morning, what are we eating?
Yachi: we are making pancakes!
Y/n: thats nice, smells good.
Saeko: thanks boss! *smiles*
Daichi: hey boss. Where's iwaizumi?
Y/n: he told me yesterday that he was gonna meet someone today.
Oikawa: iwa-chans got a lover~
Suga: if its his lover then we shouldn't interfere with his relationship.
Y/n: yeah, now hurry up and eat breakfast.
Oikawa: okay boss!
After I ate I went to my office to see if we got any missions today.
Y/n thinking: so we have two today only? I guess we could split the group into two today.
Y/n: yoko-san, can you call everyone to the meeting room.
Yoko-san: yes boss.
We were all assembled in the meeting room.
Y/n: okay so today we have two missions, so Im splitting us up into two groups. So the first group will be yachi, kuroo, lev, saeko, oikawa, suga, kenma, and kageyama, you guys will be doing the money mission, you are going to be sneaking into this mans house *shows picture* and get $2,000,000. The next group will be me, yoko-san, hinata, daichi, tsukishima, nishinoya, teru, akkashi, and bokuto. Our mission is to kill this woman *shows another picture*. And also suga will be leader for the first group. Now lets all head out!
Everyone: yes boss!
Me and my group went to a alley where we would find our target.
Y/n: surround her. *whispering*
We all started surrounding her, leaving her no where to run.
But suddenly someone showed up behind us and the target ran away.
Y/n: guys I'll go after the target get the other one!
Yoko-san: yes boss.
I ran after the target but lost her. I then heard a scream, I ran back to the others.
Y/n: what happened!?
Hinata: boss...yoko-san...
I looked at yoko-san, she got stabbed deeply in her side. The blood was getting everywhere.
Yoko-san: s-sorry...b-boss...
Y/n: stop! Don't talk!
I could feel tears running down my face. I didn't want to lose yoko-san...or anyone..everyone is important to me. I ripped part of my shirt off and wrapped it around her waist.
Yoko-san: leave me...hurry..
Y/n: shut up!
I couldn't stop my tears from falling.
Akkashi: boss...lets go..
Y/n: I can't..
Wiped her blood off her waist with the ripped part of my shirt and saw...there was no stab wound. It was fake blood.
Y/n: what the this?
Nishinoya: we-well-uhh this was just a prank...
I stood up and walked away from them. I didn't know where I was going.
Bokuto: b-boss! Where are you going!
I ignored bokuto.
Nishinoya: maybe we took the prank too far?
Tsukishima: you barely realized that?
Daichi: just leave boss alone, lets go back to the hideout.
Akkashi: yeah lets get going.
I was walking, trying to relieve stress. I was trying to not get mad at them, I didn't want to be. But why pull a prank like that..? I cant believe I fell for it too.
Y/n thinking: I'm hungry...I think I have some money on me..i need to clean the fake blood off my hands.
I walked to a convenient store and went to the bathroom to wash my hands, then went to buy some food. I got some onigiri's. I sat at a bench outside to eat my onigiri. After eating I decided to walk to a park.
Y/n thinking: hopefully the park isn't packed with people.
I walked and walked until I reached the park.
The park had pretty cherry blossom trees.
Y/n thinking: its beautiful today...I haven't been here in a while..
Just as I was admiring the beautiful trees someone called my name from afar.
???: Y/n!!
I looked at who called me, I saw...
To be continued...

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