Part one-goodbye..

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I was getting ready for another meeting with my dad and the other head members from other groups we work with. Im the worlds best mafias daughter. I work as a part of the mafia and an assassin under my dads command. I mostly kill people who have done bad to the world and people in it.
Ive just turned 21 last month so missions usually get harder for me now
???:y/n? You done yet? Lets get going?
I heard my friend, kiyoko or my nickname for her, yoko-san, called me from outside my bedroom door.
Y/n: yes ill be there soon go first or boss will get mad at you.
At our hideout i call my dad, "boss" because its more appropriate.
Yoko-san: okay..
She then left.
Y/n thinking: dad said to just wear my working clothes so I'll just wear this one..
It was a black jump suit with a white waist band with some weapons. I also had my hair tied up. I didn't wear much makeup.
Y/n thinking: now lets go.
I arrived at the meeting room
Boss: okay now everyone's here?
Everyone: yes!
I took a seat next to my dad and listened to what he needed to tell us.
Boss: okay so now we are dealing with some scammers, we will make a deal with them at the club on xxx street and if we don't get a fair amount then we will have y/n knock them out, no hesitation. We will then take them and bring them to the hideout and torture them. If we get caught by the police we all know what to do right? Okay now does anyone have questions? Or if you don't agree with this plan then feel free to talk.
We all agreed without hesitation, because we all know not to mess with the boss.
Boss: we are going to a club, so i expect you guys to know what to wear? Right?
Everyone: yes sir!
Yoko-san: c'mon y/n lets go get ready.
Y/n: yeah..
I wore a black tight dress, it had skinny straps and rhinestones on the hem of the dress. I had a smokey eye makeup look. And had my hair curled.
Y/n: ready? Lets go
Yoko-san: yes lets go..
We went to go meet up with the others.
???: damn~ yoko~ you look cute
Yoko-san: thanks...
???: you too y/n you guys both look really nice~
Y/n: thanks teru-san(terushima)
Teru:no problem heh~
???: what a perv..ugh
Teru: oh shut up akkashi!
???: quit being mean to akkashi
Teru: oh-ah sorry bokuto, akkashi my bad~
Bokuto: you okay akkashi?
Akkashi: yes bokuto-san
Y/n: where's hinata, lev, and tanaka?
Akkashi: they are already at the destination
Y/n: aish they are probably already causing trouble over there.
Yoko-san: yeah they are a pretty chaotic trio.
Boss: guys quit chattering get in we are heading out now.
Al of us: yes boss!
We went inside the car.
We then arrived at the club
???: guys make sure you don't interact with the people with the star tattoo on the left side of there neck, they are drug addicts, pervs, and drunkies. You don't want to get involved with them
Y/n: why do they all have star tats?
???: that info we don't know about, just listen to what I said.
Everyone: yes suga-san!
Suga: now lets get inside or we will be late for the deal
We went inside.
Yoko-san: y/n have you ever been here before?
Y/n: yeah I go to many bars and clubs for assassination missions.
Yoko-san: oh well I'll just stick by you since I've never been to a place like this before.
Y/n: 'kay thats fine
Boss: okay I'm going in i don't want anyone in the room besides me and the dealer no matter what, got it?
Y/n: yes boss, i'll notify everyone else about it.
I notified everyone right away.
Tanaka: hey kiyoko, hey y/n! Lets go get some drinks!
Yoko-san: hey tanaka
Y/n: hey, sure lets go get some drinks
Tanaka: lets go~ terushima and the others are over there too
Y/n: 'kay.
We arrived at the drinks area.
Bartender: what would you guys like?
Y/n: ill have a beer
Yoko-san: ill have a wine.
Tanaka: ill have a beer also!
Bartender: okay! Coming right up!
After we got our drinks we just chatted with the others
Hinata: hey y/n i heard that we were recruiting some new members?
Y/n: yeah we are its because since the past missions were intense some people quit working with us since a lot of allies are dying.
Hinata: oh well now we can teach the newbies
Y/n: yup, it'll be a lot of work though.
Hinata: yeah!
After a bit we heard a gunshot
We all ran to the room where boss was in.
Yoko-san: boss!?!
Boss: I told you guys not to come in idiots
Boss passed out for a bit.
I ran to find those dealer people. They were running through the crowd. I ran to them and pushed one of them to the ground and punched him unconscious. I was lunching him so hard that my knuckles became bloody.
Y/n: is boss okay?
Lev: kiyoko-san said he might not make it...
He looked at me sadly. Everyone knew that boss was my dad.
I went to boss.
Y/n: boss!? Get up!?
Boss: hey...y/n..I'm sorry...I wish i was a better dad to you..just know that...
Y/n: that what.....
Boss: i always will...
Then he was gone.
I was shocked and hurt but I didn't know why i couldn't cry. Maybe because i wasnt good at expressing my emotions like dad could. He said that i was more like mom in that way.
Y/n: lets go. Boys bring the bosses body...
Teru&lev: yes!
We arrived at the hideout and we held a funeral for my dad.
Y/n thinking: you idiot! You knew that they would shoot you didn't you. Thats why you told us to not go into the room no matter what...
Why'd you leave me? What am i gonna do now?
Suga-san: hey...y/ okay?
Y/n: No...i don't know what to do now..
Suga-san: you'll know when the time come sat we are all waiting for you.
We arrived at the dinner table
Teru: hey boss!
Y/n: boss? Me?
Teru: i thought since you were the bosses daughter that you are runner up?
Y/n: i don't think i should be boss. You guys haven't even agreed to it
Teru: we have, we just realized that if you lead us now, we will be even better then we used to be.
Y/n: oh...well then i guess...?
Teru: its settled then, our new boss is y/n!
Hinata: yayyy!
Yoko-san: now lets eat.
Y/n: uhhh let me wash my hands first...
Everyone besides y/n: why?
Y/n: ehh because I punched the guy that shot boss too hard he started bleeding hehe
Tanaka: nice one y/n haha
Suga: you really need to work on controlling your strength heh~ i'd probably die from a punch from you.
After we ate I went to dads old work room to see the newcomers that were coming in tomorrow.
Y/n thinking: so 15 newcomers, *sigh* this is gonna be hard.
The next day
I wore my black collar short and black jeans, with my hair pushed back, and down.
Y/n: yoko-san! Can you call in the others in the meeting room?
Yoko-san: yes boss.
Evryone was in the meeting room.
Y/n: so since the newcomers are going to be here in a bit, i expect you all to act like your expected to, if you don't you get punished. I will be calling each of you guys after to see who ive assigned to you as your partners. Got it?
Everyone: yes boss!
Y/n: now you guys may go
Eveyone but teru left
Y/n: need something?
Teru: im dying to know, are we recruiting some cute girls?
Y/n: you better stay by my side all day. I dont need you probing any of the newcomers
Teru: fine by me
Y/n: wanna stay with bokuto?
Teru: ah-no-no thank you I'll just stay by you today.
Y/n: now lets go the new comers are outside.
Teru: okay~
Y/n: go open the door for them and welcome them inside.
Teru: okay
I went to go get some gadgets to use for later.
Then i went to meet the new comers
Y/n: hello everyone. Im your boss. From today on I'll be giving you all orders. Now lets start.
They were all confused but terushima was like 😏😌 since he knew what was going to happen
I suddenly disappeared
And then was suddenly behind the new girl. I had the knife to her neck
Y/n: hello there yachi~
Yachi: o-oh hello b-boss
Y/n: now before i give you guys any info on this place, any questions?
???: isn't our boss supposed to be a man?
Y/n: he isn't here so I'm your guys boss now. Anything else?
???2: how are you boss your so young? I bet you aren't that good. Haha
I put the knife to his neck and pushed the knife on his skin and it started bleeding a bit
Y/n: Kuroo, got a problem with that?
Teru: boss r-relax they are new heh
Y/n: shut up teru! Go to bokuto, tell him you are to stay by him all day today
Teru: aww okay~
He walked away looking very sad.
Y/n: yoko-san! Get me some bandages
Yoko-san: here you go boss.
Y/n: thanks now can you make sure teru is somewhere close to bokuto-san
Yoko-san: yes boss i will
She left
Y/n: 'kay now here you go boy, put these bandages on.
Kuroo: ah okay thank you boss...
I put my knife away and we walked around the hideout for a bit of a tour and some rules.
Y/n: make sure to always finish missions that I have assigned to you and your partner or partners. And also if you ever need anything ask Kiyoko, she will inform me about it. Make sure to get along with your comrades. Now you guys will follow me to my work room.
We arrived at my work room.
I already had the other guys in the room too.
Y/n: now, kageyama
Kageyama: y-yes boss?
Y/n: kageyama your partner will be Lev, lev introduce yourself.
Lev: hello guys, im lev, and im really tall, i get the best missions! Heh
Y/n: *sigh* now kageyama, lev and you will be working together for a while so try to get along, Now yachi.
Yachi: yes boss!
Y/n: your partner will be kiyoko-san, kiyoko?
Kiyoko: yes boss, hey everyone, I'm kiyoko lets work well together.
Y/n: kuroo, tsukishima you guys will be partners with hinata.
Hinata: hey im hinata!
Y/n: don't underestimate him cause he's short. He's one of our best dealers and assassins.
Kuroo&tsukishima: yes boss!
Y/n: now Saeko, your partners with tanaka, since you guys are-
Tanaka: SIS!?! What the hell are you doing here!?!
Saeko: im here because I want to be dont tell me what to do!
Y/n: tanaka..?
Tanaka:...*sigh*..I'm tanaka..
Y/n: now yaku, you are partners with suga-san, since you guys are pretty good tricksters.
Suga: hey guys in suga, heh >;p
Y/n: now ushijima, you are going to work with akkashi and bokuto.
Akkashi: hi, im akkashi...
Bokuto: I'm bokuto!!
Y/n: now the twins, atsumu and osamu, you guys will work with terushima, you guys could probably teach him a lesson.
Teru: hey thats mean.
The twins: thank you boss!
Y/n: now lastly tendou and kenma will be working with me since you guys are the most distractive. Now you guys are to show the new guys to their rooms. You may go now.
Everyone: yes boss!
They all left.
Y/n thinking: these newbies are really interesting, they tested me so much i made one of them bleed a bit haaah. now We have a mission tomorrow. I must be prepared.
After a while yoko-san came into the room.
Yoko-san: hey y/n come down to eat.
Y/n: yeah, im coming.
I went down to eat.
Bokuto: boss you shouldn't leave teru with me because he was so annoying today! I almost punched him in the stomach.
Teru: hey! Thats mean! Nobodys ever nice to me.
Hinata: relax teru at least you funny!
Lev: yeah teru-san your funny!
Teru: aww thanks guys
He started to fake cry happy tears.
Suga: new guys don't be nervous relax tell us some things about you guys~
Kuroo: uhh well I used to be in a science club in high school
Teru: what!? You dont even look like a nerd!! Bahaha
Yoko-san: teru...
She moved her eyes terus way giving him a scary glare.
Teru: okay okay, sorry kuroo.
Kuroo: its fine haha.
Tendou: me and ushijima have been friends since high school!
Akkashi: cool, so are me and bokuto.
Bokuto: yeah cause bros got to stay together!
Y/n: speaking a high school friends, I'm having a friend from my old high school over cause he wanted to come check out the places.
Lev: boss, were you popular during high school?
Y/n: no, I didn't like to stand out.
Lev: typical, thats probably why you look so scary now, because you had no friends.
Y/n: lev...your doing it....again..
Tanaka: honestly lev your gonna get killed by the boss if you keep being so honest and rude.
Lev: sorry i do it out of habit. Hehe please don't kill me boss..
Y/n: ill let it slide today. Now finish eating everyone, and get to sleep, we have a mission tomorrow. Good night to you all
Everyone: good night boss!

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