Ishimondo- Help

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Tw: mentions of attempted rape and swearing  Summary: Mondo has a get together with his gang, invites taka and someone starts to harass him                                  ___________________________________________________________________________

"Hey Taka do you wanna come to my gang's get-together?"


"Today, at 8:00" 

"I'll try!!"


Time skip brought to you by Mondo butter

"Taka!! You made it!!"


"S-so what do you usually do at these things?"

"Whatever we wanna fucking do!!" 

"Mondo!! language!!" 

"Yea sure whatever"

Time skip brought to you by Taka's A+

Taka had talked with many of the gang members and got along with most of them. Mondo had seen one of them watching Taka with a... questionable gaze. 

At this point everyone knew Taka belonged to Mondo (who was pretty drunk by now) but it seemed as though a few of them were becoming interested in him.

"Mondo, I'm going to the bathroom"

"Ok babe~"

He left to the bathroom and on his way there he heard someone say;

"Hey cutie"

He turned around and saw someone maybe one or two inches shorter than Mondo looking at him. He turned around. Maybe they weren't talking to him. He heard a whistle and looked behind him to see the same guy. 

"I'm fucking talking to you"


The other guy laughed and started walking towards him.

"Come over to my house, cutie"

"U-umm n-no thank you" 

"That wasn't a fucking question"

He started walking towards the bathroom. The other guy just followed him.  

"P-please stop..." The other guy started running after him. So he started running. The other guy was faster than him and caught up to him. He grabbed Taka and pushed him against the wall. Taka started crying. 

"S-Stop!!!"He struggled against the taller male who just smirked. That's when the he felt the other male's hot breath on his lips, his knee between his legs, and his hands feeling around his body. 

"I didn't know Mondo had such good taste in toys~"

"I-I'm not his toy!!"

"Yea you are~"

Soon he felt the other guys hands under his shirt feeling around his chest. 

"Please stop...!!" The other leaned it to kiss him when Taka yelled out; "MONDO!!!"  The other male slapped him, Taka whimpered. Then he kissed him, roughly. Shoving his tongue into Taka's mouth. 

Taka's pov 

He was kissing me roughly and leaning on me, when I felt all his weight disappear. I looked up to see someone, but my vision was to blurry to tell who it was. I was just glad he was off of me. 

"Taka!?! Are you ok!?!"

I wiped my eyes and looked up to see Mondo. 


3rd person pov

Taka looked up to see his boyfriend standing over the other guy who seemed to be unconsious. 

"Taka!!" Are you ok!?!" 

"Wh-what..." He felt arms wrap around him and pull him toward his boyfriend. 

"What the hell happened babe?" His boyfriend asked obviously still drunk. Taka just sniffled in response. He could feel Mondo's grip tighten on him. He buried his face  in Mondo's chest. 

"H-he w-was following m-me a-and..." He started sobbing. 

"It's okay..." he murmured softly to Taka. 

Mondo continued to talk softly to him until he was calm. They smiled.

"Do you wanna... go home?"

".......N-no... I wanna stay with you..."

"Are you sure?" 

"Y-yea I'm sure" 


Time skip brought to you by takas armband thingy

Later on they were Mondo's room, watching tv. 


"Yea babe?" Mondo looked over to him. 


"What's wrong babe?"

"N-nothing... b-but... thank you for helping me..." 

"Of course!! Why wouldn't I?"




"A-am I your toy?"


"Am I your toy? 

"No! of course not" 


They watched a few more episodes of the show they were watching and decided to got to sleep. 

"g-goodnight Mondo"

"Night, Taka"


630 words

Lol idk why I made this. I hate myself for making this. T-T

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