Chapter 5: Could this be love?

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I woke up to the smell of food which made me even hungrier. Tina wasn’t by my side when I turned so, I put on my sports bra, shorts and walked downstairs to see who was cooking up a storm. There she is, dressed in my black and white Nike shirt with our children sitting around the kitchen counter. I was standing in the corridor upstairs where the whole open kitchen and living room was visible. I looked at what could potentially be a family. I was surprised to see them dressed and ready for school. Tina caught me staring.
“Come eat, sleepy head!” Tina, she said; drawing attention to me and they all looked.
“Morning mommy” Jody said with a big smile on her face when she saw me come down the stairs. “Morning sweet peas” I kissed Jody on the forehead. “All ready for the first-grade boys?” I said fixing Darren’s collar then moved on to fix Ty’s. “I am but Darren and Ty are not” Jody interrupted before any of them could answer. She had on a Dora the Explorer dress, two long ponies and cute pink flats. They both looked disappointed that they had to go to school.
We live in a small community called Lakeview Mills, it is barricaded with gates at the entrance and exit so we have schools, parks, a mall and a sports field inside. It’s like a little state on its own. Darren and Tyrone are going to the same school which is quite exciting and convenient for all of us.
I walked to Tina and gave her a kiss on the lips. Every time I kiss this woman it feels like the first time our lips made contact. “Good morning sweetheart, how did you sleep?” I said proceeding to hug her from behind.
I could see her eyes trace my body, I bit my lip and she gave me a peck on the lips “I slept very well” she said smiling. She was collecting the boy’s plates and dished out more eggs for Jody. “Can Ty be my new brother mommy?” Darren asked before I sat down. I looked at Tina in shock. She burst into laughter and I ignored the question.
That is all I want, with all of me I really hope that’s what Tina wants otherwise I’d be wasting my time.
“You ready for school?” I asked
Catherine walked in while I was walking upstairs to put on something to wear. “Catherine! Hey” I greeted.
“Morning, Morning” she said loud enough for me to hear.
“I'll be back ladies” I said walking out and getting everybody in the Jeep. They recited the school song they had to learn in the holiday before they could attend the open day.
“What is the name of your school?” I asked both of them
“Lakeview Mills Primary School” they said in unison
“What is the school motto?” I asked
“Persevere… um persevere” Darren optimistically answered
“Preserver and Succeed” Ty finished it off opening the door when I pulled off. I said My goodbyes and kissed the boys but before I knew it, they ran off.
I took Jody's hand and we walked to her preschool. “you must enjoy your day okay? I love you” I said kissing her on the cheeks.
“Hi, Miss Williams” Jody's teacher, Emily said.
“Hey, I'll fetch her a bit early today Emily.” I requested
“Alright, bye” Emily said.

“My ladies seem to be enjoying themselves, you not going to work Today Tina?” I asked closing the door and grabbing a biscuit.
“No, I took the week off, I'll be doing my work at home” she replied
I nodded and walked to my gym. I want to ask Tina about her scars and bruises but not if she isn’t ready. They carried on having their bonding session.
I was picking up some weights and saw a beautiful being standing at the door. “And what did I do to deserve that view” Putting down my weights, she approached me.
“you're so sexy” she said smiling standing an inch away from me. I know she was teasing me, she knew I wanted to grab her and pin her down.
“No, you're sexier!” I said pecking her lips avoiding to touch her.
“Papi has to take a shower now” I said kissing her as she frowned.
“Want to join?” I asked laughing
“No” I picked her up regardless and carried her to my bathroom.
“You bath with boiling water, I can’t, get me out of here!” she exclaimed. She stopped complaining when I started kissing her neck and then her lips. My heart broke when I saw her bruises fully exposed again. Our eyes met and a tear dropped down her left cheek. I hugged her tightly “I’m here, I want you to talk to me” I pleaded. “it’s better to cry in here, I do it all the time you know” I said and she laughed in between her cries. I attempted to take her underwear off but she shook her head so I took the shower jell and asked her to turn around. I carefully rubbed her back while the water washed it away.
This is what I’ve been waiting for, a companion to give kisses and rubs, someone to trust and unconditionally love. After a few minutes of rubbing our bodies together, she walked out of the shower a towel wrapped around her. “You don’t need to cover all that sexiness mama” I announced staring at her covered body.
“I am Daenerys Targaryen, ruler of the seven Kingdoms, Mother of the Dragons.” She dropped her towel and stood with her back facing me before she slowly walked off.
I was smitten, my very own Khaleesi. I jumped out of the shower dripping wet and picked up her naked body, placed her on the bed and rubbed her vaginal area making her moan. “You’re fucken sexy okay? Okay?” I said and she moaned even louder. I stood up and left her there, I looked back and I could see her wanting more. I dried myself and put on my SpongeBob boxers and a black sports bra that she ridiculed for half an hour.
We sat together in bed finishing the 5th season of Game of Thrones as you’d imagine.
“Christina Foster will you be my girlfriend?” I said terrified, she could probably hear it through my toe. She jumped up leering at me.
“How awkward would it be if I said no” she hugged me in excitement.

Love above all (Stud and Fem)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu