Chapter Twenty-seven; Bloody hands

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"Before we begin talking about war with Votrek, we must first talk about peace," Sibanda said.

"Peace?" Kelita looked at her uncle, who nodded.

"Yes, your majesty. We have to make a peace offering to Votrek. We must make an effort to avoid the bloodshed that will come. Your husband would have insisted on it."

"Oh," Kelita turned back to Sibanda. "Then we must agree on acceptable terms."

Sibanda nodded. "And we must also agree on someone to present those terms. I'm probably the only one here fluent in Sieberonian. Growing up in an aristocratic family, I had to learn languages. Let me be the one to meet Votrek."

Morabi's words came back to Kelita as though from a long-forgotten dream.

My spies in Sieberon tell me that Votrek has managed to infiltrate the palace with one of his spies.

"I don't think language barrier is an issue," Agamon spoke up. "Votrek is known to be trilingual, even if he does prefer Sieberonian. But if you want- I shouldn't say the honour- the responsibility of meeting that barbarian and presenting our terms Sibanda, be our guest."

Kelita nodded, shooting a glance at Sibanda under her long eyelashes before she continued. "Acceptable terms must mean that Votrek leaves Kalli alone and returns to that godforsaken wasteland he calls home."

"And Bremon?" Rodric nodded at Pathrice. "We've just heard that Khalid has reclaimed his throne. He has double motivations to attack us. Revenge for his father and to do the bidding of his father-in-law."

"Bremon won't be in a position to attack," Sibanda waved his hand in arrogant dismissal. "It will take months for Khalid to adjust to his new role and reorganize his army. Meanwhile, he has to deal with internal politics and economic problems, which we contributed to by our occupation."

"Meanwhile," Kelita templed her delicate fingers. "I have no wish to reignite conflict with Bremon, although I will if I have to. Our acceptable terms must be Votrek's withdrawal without reprisals against him or his daughter and son-in-law. Got that, Sibanda?"

Sibanda nodded. Shooting him another glance, Kelita turned to the next issue at hand.

"Now, we must talk troops. How many imperial troops do we have at our disposal?"

"Almost three thousand infantry," Rodric spoke up. "Including five hundred Genda spear dancers who will come under Agamon's command and about two thousand Adrega foot soldiers who will come under mine."

"I have three cavalry units of five hundred of the finest horsemen in the empire, under my command," Sibanda said, his muscular chest puffed out with pride.

"Two hundred Mathusian foot soldiers," Kamal grumbled from his corner.

"Three sumosos," Pathrice piped up.

"So we outnumber Votrek!" Kelita said, her big brown eyes lit with excitement before the reality hit home. That they were dealing with an enemy who could heal mortally wounded troops and send them back in as reinforcements. Agamon patted her hand in sympathy.

"It's clear as day," Rodric shook his head sadly. "We either take out Votrek early or we lose this war."

"We'll figure that out," Kelita said, raising her hand. Excitement coursed through her veins at the request she was about to make. "What of the beasts of war unit?"

"There is no beasts of war unit, your majesty," Sibanda said, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Not anymore. It was disbanded decades ago by Emperor Abdullah II, after the secession crisis."

"What about my lioness? My Sheba?" Kelita asked. "She's a beast of war. Fit her up with armour and she'd tear through the Sieberon soldiers."

Rodric cleared his throat and leaned forward.

"Empress, you misunderstand what a beast of war is, in the Mesigan empire. The old beasts of war had handlers. What were called nayakas. Now, a nayaka and his beast operated as if they had one mind, connected by some higher, magical power. And they would die for each other."

"The elephant master was a nayaka," Sibanda said darkly.

"So too was Emperor Abdullah I," Agamon swiftly interjected, as though to chase away memories of the elephant master. "He commanded a lion, Brutus. Used to strike fear in the hearts of the enemy on the battlefield. But my niece, all the nayaka have died out. Even if they hadn't, who could command Sheba? A nayaka must bond with their charge when it's still young."

Kelita cleared her throat and swallowed. Her eyes scanned the table.

"I don't know if I'm a nayaka, or whatever you call them. I do know I've always had a special connection with Sheba since she was a cub. I'd command her, in thought or words, and she'd obey. And she has always been protective of me. Always been one with my emotions. I want to be on the battlefield, with her, when we face Votrek."

A stunned silence settled over the room, as five pairs of eyes turned on her. And then the room erupted in chaos, as several voices spoke at once.

"I forbid it!" Agamon thundered.

"It's too dangerous!" Rodric shook his head vehemently.

"You are an empress, not a soldier! Leave the fighting to us!" Sibanda said, shocked eyes fixed on her.

In her mind, Kelita could only think of how her husband had come to her and bragged about Sahelia and her exploits on the battlefield. Of how she struck down multiple soldiers, wielding her spear and magical powers with a skill that Kelita would never have. Moutassim had thought he was endearing Sahelia to her sister. He couldn't have known that he was feeding insecurities and a monstrous envy.

"My decision is final!" Kelita snapped, raising her hand. "Uncle, I will train with you and with the sumosos if I have to. But I will be on the battlefield with Sheba."

Agamon took her hand. There were tears in his eyes now. "I once had to beg Moutassim to obey me. He didn't and now we face a civil war. I will beg you now. Don't do this. If you fall, it will be open season for the imperial throne."

Kelita cradled his face in her hand and shook her head.

"Its something I have to do. Please understand. And besides," she raised her voice. "I don't need permission to be on the battlefield with my troops. Three Mesigan emperors did it. The empress is well and capable of doing it too."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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