Chapter Four; The Chest

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His wife was petite like her sister, but where Sahelia had low cut hair, Kelita had long, well-groomed dreadlocks now tied up in a bun. They had the same, wide brown eyes and long, well-lined eyebrows. While Sahelia avoided jewellery like the plague, his wife had gold hoop earrings, necklace and bangles.

Moutassim got up and went outside. Sheba's purring was so loud the sound of it hit him from the door. The animal opened it's brown eyes and jumping up, bounded over to him. 

"Traitor," Kelita said, pouting as the lioness purred under Moutassim's hand. 

"You are so possessive." Moutassim shook his head. "You forget Sheba was a gift, from me. Learn to share."

Kelita got up slowly and sashayed towards him, a smile playing at her sensuous lips. As she got closer her perfume, a heady mixture of spice, cloves and olives, wafted over him. She reached up and, holding his chin, turned his face to the side.

"You know I've never been good at sharing." She said softly. "Farouk gave you a hard time?"

Moutassim grabbed her up in his arms and swung her around, breathing in her scent. Below them, Sheba made a sound of what could only be disdain and stalked off, her tail twitching. They laughed.

"You're giving me a hard time." He growled against her hair. She giggled, then pulled back and looked up into his eyes.

"Tell me everything."

So he took her by the hand, led her to the fountain and described in detail what happened in the tent. She did not even flinch as Moutassim described how he killed Farouk. To them, death was an occupational hazard. 

He did get a reaction when he went back to the battle itself and how brave Sahelia was. He saw a flicker of… envy? She was an Empress. Her sister was a commander of a specialised unit in their army. What was there to be envious about?

When he finished she leaned over the fountain and drew her hand through the water. Moutassim watched as their reflections shimmered. 

"What will you do with Bremon? That place will descend into chaos, anarchy if you let it."

"I've already sent a garrison of troops, they should have reached by now," Moutassim said.

"Of course you would have sent troops, that's not what I mean." She snapped. It was like that with Kelita sometimes. Her mood swung like a pendulum. "Someone has to govern as a military governor if Farouk is dead, don't they?"

"Well… Agdel would have been perfect, except I need him in my capital, running my main body of troops." Moutassim shrugged. "I'll cross that bridge when I reach it."

"Why wait for later, when you can cross it now?" She gestured to the palace. "You procrastinate too much. Sahelia would be perfect for the position."

"Sahelia!" He was shocked. "Are you mad? She's just a kid."

"You are the one who has always praised her abilities." Kelita sneered, getting up. "Now I'm giving you a chance to give her a promotion and you hesitate? Which is it? Is she capable or not."

"You've always hated her." Moutassim got up too, his patience at an end. "I don't know why or what she could have done to you. But you two have always hated each other and you've always looked for every opportunity to send her away, even though you know how much she loves her current position. Last year it was suggesting her as a possible bride to Prince Khalid. This year, you want her to command a military garrison and run a country?"

Pain flared in Kelita's eyes and she quickly turned away. 

"It might not be the best time, but I must say I'm loving your new, exotic beauty of an assistant." A voice drawled. 

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