03- Mr. Blacks

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CURIOSS chewed down on a piece of bacon as she was sprawled out on the sofa. "Aht, Aht" Reina said and threw a pillow at her sister.

Curioss shot her a glare.

"Ain't nobody scared of you, now get yo' ass up, it's ya turn to drive Remni and loud ass Ra'jah."

She plopped herself down on the sofa, taking away the remote causing Curioss to cut her eyes while getting up.

"Let's go," She muttered once she reached outside, then opened the backseat of her car for them to get in.

"Ian sitting at the back," Ra'jah frowned, not moving.

Curioss had an amuse look on her face, "Boy yes the fuck you is, yeen special." She shook her head and got in not bothering with Ra'jah's protests.

"So which one of you do I gotta drop off first?" She questioned while looking through the rearview mirror.

Remni played in her doll's hair and shrugged.

"You a big girl now," He teased her then reached out, taking her doll.

Remni screamed and began to kick at the car seat. Although she was eight, she wasn't out of the doll stage, she didn't play when it came down to them.

"Ra'jah!" She took a sharp turn. "You know what I'm dropping yo' ass off first."

Remni stuck her tongue out at him causing Ra'jah to slouch back with annoyance written on his face, "Waheva."

The ride to Ra'jah's school was only a fifteen minute drive. "Ight, gimme kisses," She pecked at his cheeks once they were parked infront of his school.

Ra'jah frowned, wiping his cheeks, "You can't be doing that out in public, you ruining my reputation," Curioss rolled her eyes and unlocked the door for Remni so she can sit in the passenger seat.

Once she arrived at Remni's school, she stopped the car and looked at her niece.

"Do I have to go Tante?" She pouted and looked up at her with her big brown eyes, it was hard not to stare.

"Yes you do baby, it's school and you need school, I'll come pick you up later," she smiled, "Now gimme kiss."

Remni placed a soft kiss on her aunt's face then walked up to her school, where her grade 3 teacher, dressed in a white knee length dress was outside greeting the pupils.

After dropping the children off, she found herself cruising around the city; visiting sites she had almost forgotten about, she couldn't believe that she was finally out, the reality of things were so hard to adjust to.

𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐲 𝐄𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 | 𝐝𝐞Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora