Strip party

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A/N: Hey all hows u doin? hopin you all enjoyin de fic sorry been ages since updated i'm terrible for updating my stories, I usually give up half way through or something...


Running rampage around Tesco, kinda get's a bit boring, and the food is cold, so I'm tired. I got really, really, really board after dinner, so, me being me, and me by I mean totally brain dead at times, grabbed on of the guy's and skipped around trying to find something amazepico to do. Guess who I'd grabbed. Yes, that's right, sex on leg's, the almighty, the one and only (Queen moment :D Ahh love them) Dougie Poynter. 

Teacup, I really want a teacup, for a cup of tea. But I really don't think Tesco's sell's teacups, so we just wandered around the shop trying to find something totally benerk, something so amazepico even Martain Freeman would say Amazballs. And, the one only thing I could find, was the sweet boxes, and massive liter bottle's of WKD and Smirnoff Ice and you stuff like that. 

So once again, me being me, totally brain dead at times, picked up one of the massive liter bottle's of Barcardie Breezers, watermelon if you cared, made Dougie pick up the blue WKD liter bottle, found a few dozen teacups, and mixed the drink's.

Harry and Tom went around the shop trying to find Sammi, who was hiding rampage in the chocolate isle, they also brought like seven tins of celebration chocolates, and also Danny found some pure vodka, brandy and beer. 

And yes, we are all over 18 so we can legally drink, and mix them, and yes eat chocolate at the same time. GET OVER IT... If we wanna act like 3 year olds, we will act like 3 year olds. So, I started mising the drinks and placing the teacups on the saucers with like severel thousand chocolates in the middle of the circle.

"Okay, firs' to pic' up a chocola'e will lose, we all have ter wai' till someone else pick' up firs'. Goddi'? Good." I smiled evily as Dougie sat down next to Harry, I know, I'm a really evil person, and will end up loosing. Untill Tom decided to put in his idea...

"And everytime you eat a chocolate you have to take a sip, no gulp, of your mixed drink. And we shall play 'Never have I ever'." Wow, and I though I was evil. But seriously he is one evil dude... Danny smirked, obviously thinking he will win this, no he shall not, I will beat his Northern fit little arse all the way to hell...

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