Stop touching

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We sat in the circle thingy, I watched everyone, the temptation was painful, but I have to win this, I saw a flicker of movement from Tom, he was sweating, his hand inching towards the nearest chocolate, just before he touched it, I had a wrapper thrown past me, Danny was nto so happly chewing on an orange flavour. 

"I don't like this game, it's slow and boring, and I'm tired." Danny whined, honestly he is so slow at times, but we all gave up and munched freely on the chocolate without drowing our drinks,Sammi, who was sat next to me, shivvered. I saw her hand's go a pinkier colour than normal, something was wrong.

I looked at my own hands, peachy and patchy from the cold, of corse, dead of night, no heating, it'll get cold, Sammi and I huddled closer to each other to stay warm, I noticed Tom and that lot were doing so aswell. Oh my god, we are in Tesco's, and Tesco's do clothes. How could I be so stupid? The cold must be affecting my amazepico Time-Lordess brain-cells.

"Guy's, we comple'e idio's, Tesco' does clothes righ'? Why coul'n we ju' ge' somefing from 'ere?" I pipped up.

"Well, it's your suggestion, you go." 

"I'm na' goin' alone Danneh-boy. Imma take somefing or someone wif me."

"I'll go." We all turned and remembered Dougie was still here, he had been so quiet all the time, he shrugged a smile and got up. Walking away from the group into the dark cold shop, was kind of creepy, but then again what's life without a little adventure?

"So uh, how long you been in England?" 

" 'Bou' four years. You?"

"I've lived here my entire  life, well not here as in Tesco's but here as in England."

"Stupi' ques'ion me frinedo" 

I know, my speech goes all wobbly when I'm near something really cool, awesome, or supermegafoxyawesomehot thing. And yes Dougie comes under the category of supermegafoxyawesomehot     thing.     The cold air was a little suffocating, shuffling a little closer to Dougie,we found the clothes. 

Fluffy hat's, scarves, gloves, jumpers, hoodies, trousers, ugg boots, you know, that lot, we picked up as much as we could and carried it back to the circle. Dumping everything in the middle, I pulled out the fluffy hat with really big ball-ball's, the scarve that was a greyish colour and a plain white hoodie. Tom exchanged his hat for a fluffy one, Danny pulled on a hoodie, Harry pulled on another hoodie, Sammi went a little OTT, but still, Dougie was left with a white hoodie and a fluffy hat. 

I think it's fair to say, we looked like fucked up Eskimo's. I'm serious. I pulled my phone out, 00:03. Oh good, around seven hour's till the shop re-opens and find's us on the floor by the door. I managed to stiffle a yawn, but Sammi didn't. Tired we were.

"You tired?"


"Yes she is."

"Hatty shut it."

"Why, that's the truth."

"If you listen to the thing's that your friends say your gonna be lonely."

"Okay, guy's stop singing, I might just fall asleep."

"Okay, nighty night everybody."

"Don't let the shop bite."



Sammi and I snuggled next to each other, maybe this has been an entirly crazy and messed up dream I'm having and when I wake up, everything will be back the way it was. Stiffling another yawn, I lied down, resting on my back, arms as pillows. I fell into an uneasy sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2012 ⏰

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