Series 1 Chapter 2

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The Real Truth
Series 1 Chapter 2

A few days had passed since he'd come to the burrow and Harry was having a blast. He'd played quidditch against the twins with Ron, stayed up late messing around, avoided Ginny's affection, for the most part, and eaten more food then he thought was possible thanks to Molly constantly filling his plate with it, grumbling about how he never ate enough and was too thin. Today was the day Hermione would be arriving and Harry was exited to see his bushy-haired friend again. Molly had aperated over to the Granger's to pick her up just a few minuets ago and they should be getting back in any time soon.

Harry was sitting in the living room with Ron, Ginny, and the twins when Hermione and Molly appeared a ways down the hill that the burrow stood on. Harry and Ron ran out to meet their friend, each giving and receiving a big hug. After greeting everyone else by the time she got up to the house, Hermione went upstairs to set her trunk down. Harry and Ron were in the middle of a game of wizards chess when she came back down, surprised to see Harry actually wining. After watching for awhile she rolled her eyes, Harry had the twins on either side of him giving him tips on what to do.

"Would you stop helping him?!" Ron exclaimed after Harry took his knight.

"But then how is Harry here supposed to learn how to beat you?" George asked innocently.

Ron rolled his eyes and grumbled about cheating, Harry laughed.

"It's not cheating since they're not telling me what to do- just tips"

The twins laughed and Harry took out a pawn. The game continued and Harry, who was being led by the twins, won, taking down Ron's king will a well placed rook. The twins picked up Harry on their shoulders, cheering for while while also saluting failure to Ron, who was currently muttering, angrily, under his breath.

"Kids! Lunch!" Molly's voice carried through the house.

The twins carried Harry out, followed by a laughing Hermione and a still annoyed Ron.

Awhile later Ron challenged Harry to a rematch when the twins weren't around to help. Currently, Harry was stuck in check. Surprisingly, it had been a pretty close game and he wasn't about to give up now. So, doing the only thing he could do Harry moved his bishop, putting Ron's own king in check. Unfortunately, with one move of his queen Ron successfully had Harry in checkmate, but before another game could start Hermione dragged Harry away from the never so modest, victorious Ron.

"Hermione what are you doing?" Harry asked once they were outside.

"I need to talk to you."

Harry nodded and Hermione let go of him.

"How do I tell Ron about me being... well you know."

"Just tell him, like you told me."

"It's different. I-... I know he fancy's me and I don't want to hurt his feelings..."

"Oh..." Harry looked down. He thought about Ron's first reaction to him, then about how it would probably be worse towards Hermione since he had fancied her. Harry looked back up and his friend, "I really think you should just tell him 'Mione. Not flat out but if you try to sugar coat it too much he might think he still has a chance."

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