23- ' 'Risking my life for another' ' Sad Ending

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"Fuck it." Jotaro muttered. "Josuke-" He then looked over. Josuke hummed in response. "-Be quick on your feet." Jotaro told him as he summoned star Platinum and gave Josuke his own hand. Star Platinum moved closer to the bubble. It had popped right on his stand.

Luckily Josuke understands the situation and was able to put Jotaro 'back together' after his stand was blown up. Kakyoin came stooping his way. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?" The redhead yelled. Little did they know that there was a second one, a second bubble. "RISKING YOUR LIFE LIKE THAT? STOP doing this..." Kakyoin sobbed, he was now crying. He couldn't help but think about Jotaro possibly dying. Come to Morioh to find out that he lived this week already. Then find out that at the end of the week, you die and it's a living hell to Jotaro. So the man you fell in love with is now risking everything to save you from the killer you died from.

Seconds passed until Jotaro realized. His instincts was to switch places with Kakyoin to protect him. Be grabbed on to Kakyoin sleeves and did exactly that. "Jotaro what are you doing? This is no time to fool aroun-" "I love you." Jotaro interrupted him, which had Kakyoin confused. This was out of the blue. "Wha-?" Kakyoin questioned but before he could finish Jotaro was just ash at 9:03AM in the morning. ((A/N: It's important so you understand something later ;) ))

Kakyoin couldn't speak; he was speechless. He felt horrible that he yelled and everything. The redhead covered his mouth and cried. Is this how he felt? This emptiness? Kakyoin asked himself. At the moment, Kakyoin snapped. He wiped away his tears as best as he could. The redhead took out Heiropant Green. His stand was extended out, some of his tentacles wrapped around his arm for more control.

"Kakyoin-san..." Josuke spoke out to him, but he was nothing but white noise to the adult. Kakyoin walked out of the building, he was clearly raging with anger and sadness. His stand wrapped itself around Kira's hands and Killer Queen's, just in case. He probably made another bomb that had to be activated with the click of a button. Therefore he was safe from any expositions.

Kira was terrified of what's next. He couldn't escape even if he tried. Heiropant was now limiting Kira's movement. Kakyoin came closer to him. The killer was now in his arm spam. "You killed him..." Kakyoin muttered. He was lifeless almost as he began to reach towards Kira's neck. "You'll pay for that." Kakyoin spoke in his ear while gripping his hands around his neck; strangling him to death.

He hated him, absolutely hated him now. Kira tried to breathe, but he couldn't. Before he knew it, he was dead. Kakyoin just kept his hands where the were. Josuke came out with Hayato to see what have happened. The adult turned around at them with a straight face. He then let go of Kira's body and dropped it. "Today isn't the best day I've had. It actually might be the worst..." Kakyoin told the kids. He then looked down at his hands. "Why the hell did I come in the f-first place?" He asked himself as he started to sob.


The other reality. . .

Before Kujo died, he found himself back at the hotel... by himself. Was it all a dream? Wait no... it can't be... he can't dream, at least not after the arrow accident. Jotaro thought. He then got up and did what he had to do before leaving. He was going to go down to where he last saw Kakyoin before all of this started.

"HEY JOTARO-SAN!" Josuke blurted as he ran up to him. The marine biologist didn't even make it out of the door of the hotel without being interrupted. Anyways the day went on with Josuke walking along with him to wherever.

"I thought you were going to the cafe, but we pasted it. Where are we heading to?" The teen asked. Jotaro smiled a little before speaking; "I want to see something, that's all." He simply answered. Josuke nodded and went with it.

Once they got to the area, there was nothing. Nothing but silence. Josuke just stayed out on the sidewalk, watching  him from afar. Jotaro looked around some more until he found what he was looking for. You can't miss Kakyoin's red hair. Jotaro smiled as called out for him. Josuke shooked his head and began to slowly walk towards his nephew. Before he was close enough, Jotaro mysteriously blew up. He thought kira was dead... no way this could be happening... Josuke kneeled down at Jotaro's ashes. The remainings blew away to reveal Kujo's watch that read 9:03, quickly turning to 9:04.

"Jotaro?" Someone spoke in a questioning voice in the distance. Josuke looked up to see the one and only Kakyoin. As soon as he did, they made eye contact. "Did you call my name Josuke? I could've sworn it was Jotaro's voice." Kakyoin added. The teenage boy began to cry, which made the cherry lover worried. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you in a way." Kakyoin quickly told him as he crouched down to placed a hand on his shoulder.

Josuke shook his head as he opened his hands to show Kakyoin his lover's watch. He Immediately knew why he was crying. "No..." Kakyoin muttered. "This has to be a sick prank... TELL ME YOUR LYING!" Kakyoin yelled as tears start to flow. "I-I'm sorry..." Josuke whispered.


SOOO hello wonderful readers^^ both endings should be out by now if your reading this and now top of that I can now mark 'My love, my world, my emerald.' As complete.

That's right... no more waiting for chapters... you can just read it in one go now.

I hope you enjoyed this and if you want more (at least if you like bottom joot)

You should check out my other stories/ and or ONESHOTS


CottonTailFox/ lowolr signing out~

(Now Imma just read it myself and check for spelling errors so word counts might be incorrect now)

(All, of not most are at least 1000 words... inducing the A/N this time)

"My Love,  My World,  My Emerald" > Jotakak <Where stories live. Discover now