This is a hot mess!

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Ricky's POV
The next morning I woke up to my phone going off. I looked at it and it was my manager, Lilith but something caught my eye. It was 100 messages from Nini. So I called her,
"Hello miss been awake since 5!" I said,
"dude this is a hot mess!" She yelled,
"dang it's 7 in the morning why are you yelling?" I asked her,
"Ricky I'm not joking! We don't have a star for the tree lighting ceremony on Thanksgiving, and your dad is really trying to not to be Santa this year." She complained,
"ok ok! Give me a 20 minutes and I will be there!" I said to her,
"thank you!" She said and we hung up and my manager called me.
"Richard it is 8 in the morning!" She yelled,
"Emma it is 7 here!" I tell her,
"oh that's right. Sorry! So there is a picture going around the internet." She said,
"which is?" I asked her,
"that broadway star and you at the restaurant." She said,
"you mean Nini who I met when I was 5 and who was my first love." I tell her,
"ohh! That's right! I forgot but #Rini is trending on twitter right now." She told me,
"of course it is!" I said "Emma I gotta go and help with the festival."
"Ok have fun Santa boy!" She teased and we hung up.
Nini's POV
"You 5 minutes late!" I tell Ricky,
"sorry but mean Nini probably means she has not have this." He told me as he gave me a coffee,
"you remembered my order?" I said,
"knowing you it probably has not changed since high school." he told me,
"thank you!" I said,
"so what do you need to be done?" He asked me,
"there is so much. But I need you to talk to your dad because he has been Santa since we were little." I told him,
"consider it done and he is not getting out of his duty." He told me as he walked away as I was smiling and Gina walked up to me.
"Ohhh! Someone is crushing!" Gina said,
"no I am not. I'm engaged but he was a asshole last night." I tell him,
"why?" Seb asked me,
"I told him that my moms had no idea that he was going to be her and he got pissed." I tell them,
"he should trust you if he does not then there is something wrong." Seb said,
"I know him and when he gets offense he is discovering something." I said,
"or he is just scared that he is going to lose you." Gina said,
"yeah!" I said and walked away and my phone went off.

"Thank goodness that is cleared up!" I said to myself and Ricky showed up

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"Thank goodness that is cleared up!" I said to myself and Ricky showed up.
"Call me a hero or what?" He said,
"yeah yeah! Well this is still a hot mess," I said to him. And we just tried to make this not a mess. It was about 5 and Ricky walked up to me.
"Are you hungry?" He asked me,
"yeah why?" I asked him,
"you wanna get dinner?" He asked me,
"yeah why not!" I said and we left and as soon as we pulled up I recognized it immediately.
"I know this place," I said.
"I knew you would!" He said and after we ordered and he gave me a serious look.
"What?" I asked me,
"we need to talk!" He said,
"oh no! What's up?" I ask him,
"#Rini is trending!" He said,
"I know! My manager called me this morning," I tell him.
Ricky's POV
"What are we suppose to do?" I asked her,
"honesty I don't know!" She said,
"do you remember when Lily came up us one day junior year and she went on about Rini?" I ask her,
"yeah I do! We were so confused and she went on about even 6th graders were sad about our break up." She said and I laughed,
"yep I do! High school was so much more easier!" I said,
"and our high school experience was a little bit different." She says and we just talked for a long time.
"Can I drive you home?" I asked her,
"you drive me here you doofus!" She said and I drove her home and than I got home. When I went inside Jenn was there.
"Hey kiddo! What's up?" She asked me,
"nothing you?" I asked her,
"probably just handing up to bed!" She said, "are you ok?"
"Honesty no do you just never stop loving your first love?" I asked her,
"you will always love her but you are not in love with them." She said,
"thanks Jenn! I am going to bed," I tell her.

Authors note: Next chapter is going to be Thanksgiving

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Authors note:
Next chapter is going to be Thanksgiving. I can not decide between two chapters or two. I don't know where that is going to be out. So sorry it took me so long to update. Grades are closing and I'm stressed.
Lots of Love, Lily

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