Who do you think you are?

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Some people want to destroy you. Some people hate you. Some people take happiness from your failure. Those people are low in heart. They do not take any importance in your life. They're just pests. They don't empathize. 

Who do they think they are? If this is you, Who do you think you are? You are so not cool. Do you know how you make people feel? Broken, anxiety builds up, left untreated, a red soul, no anger but misery. 

You who are miserable because of one's unnecessary voice, forget at once their squeaky mess. They are a waste of tears, pain, time, emotions, and life. Do not dwell on them, do not be small. Be big.

You are more than enough, they are not enough. So if you are hoping to be enough, you are, but they are enemies and are programmed to put you down. Be strong and go crazy on them. 

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