Chapter Three: Planning

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As time continued to pass, Luka felt herself drifting farther away, until she began to see green everywhere. Orange and red and purple stretched out in the distance, a permanent sunset illuminating her dreamscape. Rain dripped off everything and she was surrounded by plants, all of different shapes and sizes. Everything was made of glass and so easily breakable, but it made her happy. Even though pieces of it littered the floor, it made her happy...

Oliver had woken up in a calm manner, which was surprising due to how tense he usually was all the time. He quietly yawned and sat up, looking outside. The sky was a dim light blue, and the clouds were all different shapes and sizes. Birds were happily chirping, and the autumn leaves on the trees were gracefully moving in the same direction the wind was going.

Luka was sitting by the edge of the train car, watching the scenery pass by. She didn't notice that Oliver was awake yet, and her own eyes still seemed half asleep. Now that the sun was coming up, it was starting to get warmer, but the cold October wind still made her shiver once in a while. The marks on her face had turned darker now, making them more obvious, especially since she'd slept on them.

Oliver checked to see if Luka was awake yet. They didn't exactly look the most comfortable, and they seemed to be cold. Oliver, in contrast, had actually felt pretty warm, due to the amount of clothes he keeps on daily. He had decided that it would be okay to take a closer look at Luka without disturbing them. He had seen that there were marks on her face.

He had sworn he saw one yesterday, but it wasn't as dark. He wondered if they hurt them, and felt bad for not giving them the blanket earlier. He decided to wrap the blanket around Luka, despite their earlier protests. The blanket being put around her startled Luka, and she jumped a little, turning to see Oliver sitting there.

"Oh, I...I didn't realize you were awake, aren't you cold?" She made eye contact with him for a moment, her soft eyes still darkened in the early light. The train was moving slower now, going at a relaxed pace across fields that were ready to harvest. "No, I'm not very cold... you seemed to be more cold than me anyways, so I decided to give you my blanket!" Oliver smiled while looking into Luka's eyes.

Luka was silent for a moment, then smiled gently and pulled the blanket around herself. "Thank you...I'm sorry for not being as well prepared as you are..." "Oh no, it's okay! And besides, you were very kind to me earlier, so I wanted to repay you in some way!" Oliver shyly smiled as he looked back at the window and the graceful movements of the nature surrounding him.

Luka gave him a gentle smile in return and then opened her bag, pulling out a small can of soup. "Are you hungry..?" she asked, offering it to him. "I wouldn't want you to starve to death or anything.." Oliver suddenly realized his grumbling stomach. He hadn't eaten in a while, actually... "Yes, I actually am pretty hungry... do you have any food on you?" Oliver asked with curiosity.

"I.." she looked down at the soup can, putting it back in her bag. "You probably don't like soup then, I don't know if I have anything else..." She looked in the bag again, trying to see if there was anything better.

Oliver thought for a moment, thinking of a good enough response. "OH! Do you know when the train stops? We could try to find food at a deli, or any place, really!" Oliver searched through his bag of belongings,looking for any source of money he could find.

"I have little money, I can buy you something...if you don't like soup that's fine. Maybe I can sell it for something you like?" She looked out at the scenery, curling up with her knees to her chest. "We're gonna have to get off before we reach the station though, this isn't a passenger train.."

Oliver nodded slightly, looking out at the window once more. "Okay, that makes sense!" Soon after, Oliver had decided to get some rest. Luka looked down at the canned food in her lap, frowning. Food from restaurants and such were expensive, and she only had fifteen dollars with her...the food had been brought to help not use that. But if Oliver didn't like canned food, she should get him something he wanted, in return for using the blanket.

Oliver felt kind of bad for being picky. Right now was not the time for that at all... "I-it's okay! We don't have to go...I'm sorry if I seemed like I was being picky, that wasn't my intention at all!" "Oh- don't worry about it, you're fine!" Luka insisted, turning towards him. "I just don't have much money, um, but I should repay you for the blanket. I'm just saying I don't know how much I can get..."

The train sped up a little then, and Luka shoved the blanket in her bag. "Hey, we've gotta get off soon! We're almost in town, and they can't see us in the train!" she called to him. "We're gonna have to jump out at this hill up here!" Oliver almost got bumped over by the train's new speed, due to him being very lightweight. "O-Okay!" He wasn't very confident about doing this...

"Come here..." Luka held out her hand to him. "I can pick you up when we jump, that way you can land on me. I'm soft with all this blubber, trust me," she joked, looking just as nervous as he was. Oliver decided to grab Luka's hand, and felt the warmth of her hands. "O-okay!" He had decided to put his trust in Luka.

As the train passed over an open stretch of hill, Luka grabbed Oliver and clutched him tightly, leaping out of the train. She landed on her side on the hill, rolling down and landing safely at the bottom with Oliver, in a pile of leaves. Oliver fell on top of Luka, making sure his landing was safe. He got off of Luka, and tried to make sure if she was okay.

"A-are you okay? Are you hurt?" He picked some leaves off of him, making sure that he was presentable. She got up, wincing a bit, and stretched before shaking the leaves off of herself. "I'm okay, I'm okay! I just didn't think about the cans being in my bag, it kinda hurts to land on them..." She patted his head gently, then plucked a leaf out of his hair.

Oliver had accepted Luka's pat, almost purring softly. "Oh, it's good to hear that you're okay..." Oliver whined when Luka removed her hand from his head. Luka chuckled a little, replacing her hand and petting his hair gently. "Are you being a little kitty?" A faraway look slipped into her eyes and she spaced out, continuing to pat him but accidentally doing it a tiny bit too hard.

Oliver purred happily when Luka continued to pat him. "Mmm..." Eventually, Oliver began to get sleepy. Snapping back to reality, Luka took her hand away. "We've got to get going if we want to make it to the town before it gets dark....we have a couple miles to go." Oliver was sad when Luka took her hand away, but understood."Oh, okay! I understand."

Luka looked towards the sun, which was just starting to get lower in the sky, and started climbing up the hill. "I think we should try following the train tracks...they should lead us somewhere, right?" Oliver looked up at the sky, and noticed its beautiful changing colors mixing in with the evening sunset. He almost got lost in thought, but was brought back to reality when Luka had spoken. "Umm... I agree with you, Luka!" Oliver said while shyly smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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