Chapter Two: Meet-Up

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He's been walking for...quite a while now. How long has it been? An hour? He checked the clock on his phone, and it said 5:44 P.M...My god, it's only been 30 minutes?! He sighed heavily as he kept walking, not knowing the direction, or homes, or area. He had decided to stop at train tracks that looked neatly polished and tidy. He decided to sit down; His legs deserve a rest. What would he do now? He's been kicked out of his home, he barely has any form of skill... he decided that these thoughts won't do him any good now. Maybe waiting for a train would be good, he thought to himself...15 minutes had passed, and he heard the sound of a train running through. Finally! He ran to the train, and hitched a ride on it while tightly grabbing onto his possessions.

As he rolled into the train car, he would have bumped into something rather large. Someone else was in there, asleep and curled up in the corner of the car. Shafts of moonlight slipping through the door illuminated them for a few brief moments, allowing a glimpse of pink hair, a chubby body, a cozy pastel blue sweater, and black sweatpants. Worn-out sneakers and a bruised cheek. A backpack shaped like a fluffy bunny. He was shocked by the other person being present in the train car, due to recent events and his uneasiness. "A-ah! Sorry!" he had softly whimpered. He hoped that he didn't disturb the other person too much, if not at all...

They didn't respond, the only sound coming from them being a dreamlike whisper. The train passed over a meadow and the moonlight spilled into the car, causing their eyes to flutter open. They were a fantastical sky blue, but it was hard to see in the dark. Suddenly realizing that someone else was there, Luka sat up, thinking the police were there. "I- I'm sorry, I'll go...I just..." she began, shivering in the cold. Oliver had felt bad that he had woken up the person from their sleep, and began to apologize. "I-I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to wake you up. You seem cold... would you like one of my blankets?" Oliver rummaged through his belongings, trying to find anything that could help the person feel even remotely warmer.

Realizing that whoever was there wasn't a police officer, Luka let out a sigh of relief. "Ah...don't worry about it, I should be sorry for being in your way..." she mumbled, hugging the bunny. "And don't worry about the blankets, please...Your health is much more important, especially if you've only got the one blanket." Oliver, still being concerned, continued to speak with a worried expression on his face."Oh no, please don't be sorry! You aren't getting in my way in the slightest!...Are you sure that you don't want the blanket, even just for a little bit? I care about your health as well, even if we don't exactly know each other..."

"I...ah, no, I'm really fine...Please don't worry about me." She sat up a little, hugging the stuffed bunny backpack closer to her. Her face was turned into the moonlight a little more, and the bruises on her were more visible now. "Why are you here..? You look so young to be escaping on a train.." Oliver wasn't sure how to respond to the stranger, so he decided to tell them the events that took place, and how he was kicked out of his home. During this, he tried not to cry as he desperately wanted to go home...

Luka listened patiently, her eyes widening as she listened to him. "I- That's horrible...What kind of parents would just abandon a child simply because they're struggling?! How can you even call them your parents..?" She reached out a hand to comfort him, but changed her mind due to them barely knowing each other and dropped the hand. The trees covered the moonlight again... Oliver sniffled, fighting to hold back the tears in his eyes.

"T-thank you for listening..." Oliver said while looking down at the floor. He doesn't know where he is, or where the train is even going. All he knows is that he's glad that he left his household. "...Oh!" Oliver suddenly realized. "I don't think I introduced myself to you. My name is Oliver!" he had said with a gentle smile on his face.

"It's nice to meet you," she said with a small smile. "I'm, ah..." Pausing for a moment, she thought. If she told him her real name, what if he recognized her? She was positive she'd never seen him before, but who knew...imagine if he'd been sent by her parents to bring her back! "I...I'm Luka," she said finally, closing her eyes.

"Luka..." Oliver said out loud. "That sounds like a very nice name! I hope we can get along well, Luka!" Oliver smiled slightly, and peeked outside. Nature was moving in graceful ways as the moons' light shined throughout the train's polished windows. Maybe everything will be alright after all, thought Oliver. Just maybe.

Luka shivered again, curling up against the wall of the car and keeping her eyes closed. The cold wind blew into the steel box, and she began to fall asleep, shivering the whole time. The bruises on her cheek still ached, and she regretted her last words, but she was still alive...right?

Oliver soon decided to fall asleep after a while, gazing at the moon before he drifted off into a deep sleep. He had had one of the strangest dreams; No, it was more than one dream. He woke up twice, he recalls... The first one was where he was a pirate trying to steer his ship, but then his ship got swallowed up by a black void. All he could see was the endless darkness, and the remains of the once very powerful ship.

The second dream was where he was in a strange maze... the maze kept moving with every twist and turn he made, and changed colors as well. It was so confusing, but it was also kind of fun... suddenly, the colors faded out, and all he could see was white. This contrasted to the dream before this one, where there was only black, and nothing else. He was floating, and then... he woke up.

| I don't know what to title this- |Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant