"Don't mind me " She smirked , flashing her dominant canine teeth.Like fangs.Flexing the tatted arm arrogantly.
"Shouldn't you be setting up with your girlfriend?"
"Who ? Lavender ? Oh , she knows I always arrive late to my performances , don't you worry , I'll hold up my end of the bargain , Witch Hunt always gets an encore.Trixie has seen to that ...personally" She laughed , like an unhinged hyena.Biting her sore lips she threw what was left of her clothes over her shoulder and swanned off down the hallway.Before shouting over her shoulder.

"We're not dead yet Ivory Star ! "

Shaking my head disapprovingly , I stepped inside.

The room was almost completely dark ,Two single beds shoved the farthest away from the other as possible.The only light in the room came from a half curtained window .Slicing the room harshly in half .One side bathed in pale light .The other darker than a cave.Shutting the door firmly behind me , I ventured in .The darker side was a mess of clothes , empty bottles , cigarette butts and crumpled sheets of schoolwork .Posters plastered all over the high walls , fairy lights strung from beam to beam , but they didn't glow , a useless lamp stood on the nightstand , paintbrushes thrown down , darts embedded in the stone walls . The nocturnal figure tossed under the duvets.Trixie , stark naked , except for her own disturbing magic ink and black silk sheets.Her hair was sporting an equally messed style , much like the girl that had just left .She had it dyed a postbox red .A purple , withered leather belt clattered to the floor . Wrapping around itself like a serpent , she turned over in her sleep restlessly .Revealing two fang marks dragged along her scrawny neck.

"Ignore her" A very , almost ridiculously fake , English accent called , I crossed over into the lighter side of the room.The bed made with neat hospital corners , pillows plumped and clean.A tidy mahogany desk , with alphabetically organised spell books , pieces of parchment piled high with completed tests and essays upon fantastical beasts and where to find them .I recognised many of the questions , for I had completed a ten thousand worded book upon the same subject in my second year .Hung directly above the desk was an expert oil painting of a full moon , surfacing over a cluster of thick trees.Autographed .James. A second School uniform washed and pressed , hung by the exposed window.The view Looking directly out to the forbidden forest ...

"I was happy to hear you've , recovered , you look very well " Jeepers , poised against his headboard , fully dressed in his stiff uniform.Mint green eyes magnified by his specs .Pastel hair gelled and styled , feminine , French perfume drifting off his starchy collar.He'd even taken the time to paint his fingernails , a lovely off white.Those teal eyes slid along lengthy sentences easily , catching the light often as he jumped to the next sentence after it , drinking it all in steadily.A hot China cup and matching saucer by his side.

"A werewolf, also known as a lycanthrope,is a human being who, upon the complete rising of the full moon, becomes an uncontrollable, fearsome and deadly wolf. This condition is caused by infection with lycanthropy, also known as werewolfry.Werewolves appear in the form of a wolf but, there are distinctions between them and regular wolves." He read with perfect pronunciation.From the old , leather bound book in his hand.

"Why are you reading up werewolves , your not going to experiment with one and get bitten are you ? " I mused .
A half smile fleeted across his lips.

I lit a cigarette , waiting politely for him to finish his page.I always hated being interrupted mid paragraph , once you were immersed in a story , it was irritating to be snapped back into reality without your consent.

"I find myself ...somewhat fascinated with them . I have a calendar of sorts , it tracks the full moons .There is one predicted three days away" He bound his book gently , setting it down with a soft thud and sipping at his tea delicately.

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