Chapter 1: The Interview

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Third Person POV:

Shuichi had never had a job, which is why he was so nervous for his first interview. He sat in the office, bouncing his leg up and down and tapping on the desk. The silence of the office was complete and utter. The sound of his leg hitting the desk and the loud tapping of his fingers on the desk was almost deafening.
"Hey! You must be Shuichi Saihara!" Shuichi nearly had a heart attack from the pure volume of the person's voice. He turned around and saw someone who he presumed was the manager of the place. He was quite muscular and had a pretty tall stature. His hair was a deep shade of purple that was tied back in a small ponytail and he had a small goatee.
"Y-yeah. Your Mr. Momota, the manager of this place, right?"
"Geesh, no need to be so formal. Call me Kaito! And yeah, I'm the manager of this fine establishment!" Kaito patted Shuichi on the back, well, more like slapped, because Shuichi started coughing, trying to gain his breath back. Kaito hopped into his seat that was on the opposite side of Shuichi and began asking him questions, mostly to get an idea of what he could bring to the table if he worked at the establishment.
"It says here in your application form that you don't have job experience. Tell me about that."

Shuichi's POV:

What did he want me to say to that? 'Oh sorry! I have anxiety and because of that I chickened out of getting jobs because of the interview portions and the only reason I'm here is because I'm a broke college student who's just doing this for the money!' Of course I wouldn't say that.
"O-oh um, I never really found any jobs that I feel like I would be fit to work at, but when I heard Papa John's was hiring new employees, I thought 'This job just might be what I'm looking for'... so here I am." What was that! Who the hell says that Papa John's is the job they've always been looking for. I totally blew it-
"You're hired!"
"Mostly people just say they're just here for the money, but you're not like that Shuichi, so welcome to the team." That was a close one. Kaito gave me a microphone headset and a black button up with the Papa John's logo printed on the side pocket.
"What's with the microphone headset."
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you! You'll be working the counter! Basically taking customer's orders in real life and over the phone! Doesn't it sound fun!" Yeah, fun to someone who doesn't mind talking to strangers, but I really need the money, so I guess if working at the counter of a Papa John's is the way to do that, so be it.

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