Chapter 8: Off We Went

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Third Person POV:

Kokichi and Shuichi walked into the room where Kaede was playing Claire De Lune by Debussy on the grand piano. Just as Kokichi was about to walk up to her and tell her they got the chairs, Shuichi put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

Shuichi's POV:

"Let her play," I informed him, trying to whisper as quiet as I could. "She usually doesn't like to be disturbed while playing the piano, especially with this song. It holds importance to her." Kokichi nodded and put his share of seats down and sat on one of them, letting Kaede's melody fill his ears, and I soon did the same.
We were so entranced by Kaede's beautiful piano skills that we didn't even realize that she finished playing.
"Well you two seem to have enjoyed my mini performance," Kaede said, giggling. We both snapped out of the trance she had put us in and nodded.
"That was beautiful Kaede," I complimented.
"It was terrible." We both looked at Kokichi. "Just kidding. That was a lie."
"Anyways, my class should be coming in very soon. Can't wait for you guys to hear them." As if on cue, one of her students walked in. She was fairly short, but taller than Kokichi. She had white hair that she separated into two loose pigtails. She wore a yellow off the shoulder sweater and a white skirt with paint splatters on it. To top off the look, she wore white vans and wore a kandi bracelet.
"Nyahahaha. Hello Kaede," said the girl, smiling widely.
"Hey Angie. You're here early" Kaede responded.
"Atua says it's always good to be a bit early. It shows how much you care about said thing." Atua? "Well I'm glad you care so deeply about piano lessons," Kaede said, laughing. "Say, the rest of the class should be here by now."
"Have you forgotten. You have private piano lessons with only me today," Angie corrected Kaede.
"Oh shit! I'm so sorry! I totally forgot! Please sit at any of the pianos. I'll be right with you." Angie did just that, which left Kaede with the two of us again. "I'm so sorry guys, we'll have to cancel our hangout today. Angie usually feels more comfortable when it's only me listening to her play. I'm so sorry."
"No no," I said. "It's fine. It was nice being here for at least a few minutes. We'll be going now. Have fun you two!" And with that I grabbed Kokichi and we walked out of the building, making our way back to Papa John's.
"Hey guys! Your back!" Rantaro greeted us as we walked back into the pizzeria.
"Yep. Apparently there was a private lesson going on so we had to leave early or whatever," Kokichi said, annoyance in his voice.
"Speaking of leaving early, I was wondering if you want to leave early so me, you, and Kokichi could hang out, Shuichi. Already told Kaito about it and he's fine with it, says that bonding with other co-workers is important in achieving a proper work ethic or something like that," Rantaro suggested. To be honest, that sounds great.
"Sure. If the manager says it's fine, then it's not a problem," I answered, realizing how much more carefree I've become. Guess Rantaro and Kokichi are rubbing off on me.
"Great. I'll put our headsets away if you want."
"That would be much appreciated. Thank you, Rantaro." I handed him my headset and he went to put them away, that was when Kokichi decided to tell me the plan he talked about earlier, which I would rather not talk about.
"Psst, Shuichi!," Kokichi whisper yelled.
"What if we went to your dorm to hangout and invite Kiibo," Kokichi said, trying to hold back laughter.
"Why do you have such an obsession with them reuniting? It's none of your business or mine."(period) Kokichi crossed his arms.
"Hmph. You're no fun."
"It's called being respectful of other people's boundaries. Like I said, ask Rantaro about it. Not me." Just as I said that Rantaro walked back into the room, now wearing a backpack.
"Alright. Let's go," he said confidently, smiling widely. With that being said, we walked out the door and headed to... my car?
"Wait. Didn't you two drive here in your own cars?" Kokichi spoke up.
"I walked here and Rantaro doesn't have a car." Wait what?
"Rantaro, why don't you have a car?"
"Never really took a liking to cars. Always walked places," Rantaro responded.
"Oh ok. If you don't wanna drive that's fine. I can always come back later and-"
"No it's fine Shuichi," Rantaro reassured me. "I just don't like being the one behind the wheel. Makes me anxious." That's understandable I guess.
"Yuh. Anyways so," Kokichi said, interrupting Rantaro. "Let's go to Shuichi's house... or dorm I guess I DON'T KNOW! Let's just go." Rantaro giggled.
"Alright, Kokichi," Rantaro responded. Can't wait to see Tenko again. Wonder if she still remembers me?" I smile.
"I think she would remember her best friend in highschool, wouldn't you think so as well Kokichi? Kokichi?" I turned towards my car and he was already sitting in the back seat, scrolling through his phone.
"Wait how did he-" I check my pockets and my car keys are nowhere to be found. At that moment, Kokichi looked up from his phone and swung my keys around on his finger, practically boasting about being able to steal the only entrance to my car. I rubbed the bridge of my nose once again and went to the driver's seat, sitting down with a sigh, Rantaro doing the same with the passenger seat, except he seemed more excited for reasons we just went over. I pulled out of the parking lot and off we went, towards my dorm.

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