Chapter 3

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(A/N: I am going to skip some parts—)


I let Oliver deal with the next target. While I fix the bunker. And trying to make a new suit and also for him. Something a bit more bulletproof but not Batman. It would be obvious for Bruce if he found out. Then I heard Oliver coming in but struggling, I turned around and I saw him bleeding.

"Ollie?! What happened!" I asked as I immediately ran to him and get him to the medical bed. "Someone else got ahold of Holder.." he growled.

"Well.. I mean according to his background, he's like a corrupt politician but worse." I sighed and started to get the medical kit. "I'm sorry I wasn't there." I sighed as I helped him take off his top. "It's fine, you were probably busy anyways." He chuckled then suddenly groaned in pain.

"Okay okay. This is going to hurt." I said and I started to take the bullet out. And to my surprise I recognised the bullet, I tried to calm down as I gently took it out, "Ollie... listen to me— don't move." I said before I successfully took it out and plopped it on a plate.

"Hopie?.." he asked worriedly.

I ran to a secret cabinet I installed and took out a small vile. I got back to him and drop a few drops of the formula on his open wound. He was hissing in pain, "Sorry Darling, you know how much I love you and you love me. So just bear with the pain.." I said trying to calm down and he grabbed my hand then squeezed it.

"I will, for you." He hissed in pain. As it stopped stinging I disinfected it a bit then started stitching. After that I cleaned his wound and covered it.

He noticed how I looked anxious as I examined the bullet through a microscope. I cracked it open and I knew I recognised the bullet very well.

"Hopie? What's wrong?" He asked worriedly as he walked up to me. I got up and sighed looking down at it, "This bullet... I know this bullet... it has poison. Also known as curare.." I took a deep breath and looked at him. "There's only one person I know who have these besides Red Hood and Batman." I sighed.

"Who? Tell me." He asked looking at me. "Deadshot." I said.

He looked at me curiously, "How do you know him?" He asked

"Back in my Midnight days. Me and Batman, Bruce, went to Chicago to follow a lead about some poisonous weapons created from Arkham. And when we got to a warehouse, it was LOADS and LOADS of poisonous weapons. Different types and there were these bullets. Upon out investigation, we got caught by a guy." I sighed


"Yeah.. He shot Me and Bruce. Alfred was able to take off the bullet without cracking it. But my was cracked open, the poison spread throughout my system." I pressed my chest and his eyes widened, "You were shot there?"

I nodded, "Almost hit my heart. Luckily, Damian was smart enough to make a cure and with the help of Arthur they were able to cure me." I said as I showed him Deadshot's profile on my Midnight files. "He has no morality, no code, no honour. He doesn't kill for justice. Which makes him as dangerous as anyone on our list— anyone's list. In fact, it puts him on top of our list." I pointed out.

"I see.." then he looked at me. "Your face." He said looking at me.

"I know I'm dropped dead gorgeous." I winked and laughed. He laughed and shook his head, "That is true! But I meant that you seemed worried yet calm like it's okay." He said.

I nodded, "Because thats exactly how I feel." I smiled. "There's a vaccine for the curare."


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