We are still lying on the floor with she below me and me upon her. Looking directly in her eyes with a unknown hope and that was not just from me but it was reciprocated as well.

I starred her for I don't know how much time but it was so relieving and relaxing that I could do this for my whole life. Honestly, I caught her beautiful for the first time. With that unknown feeling, a gave a simple and sweet smile to her.

Sana POV;

I got genuine and a real smile from him. It was smile not a smirk, for me there thin line between smile and smirk and never people when they smile bcs I think that wheather it's a smile or smirk but in Sid's case it's not that. His smile and smirk are completely different a genuine one. His hands were below me holding me tightly obviously for protecting me from falling straight on the floor that shows his concern side as well as his quick thinking. I was lost in this thoughts that everything was blur in front but I got back when I saw Sid with closed eyes and leaning towards me. Slight gap between his lips and I understand but before something happens further. I turned my head to his shoulder and try to get up but I couldn't bcs of his hands caging me from my waist and back of my neck.

As I turned my head to his shoulder so I can't see anything and honestly I have no gutts to see him like this with a desire in his eyes. I'm sure I would be unknown to him but I could see that. With gathering some gutts I slowly moved my head towards him, who was already looking at me.

" Sidharth back off.. Let me get up please!!! " I said in low and bit whispering. And I said this bcs It was getting difficult for me to resist that what I saw in his eyes.

First he get up and then help me to get up. We both stand and I started setting my hairs and he still looking confused.

"I'm sorry!!!" he apologized.

"for what!!!" I asked.

"for locking you inside the washroom and that too with lizards and cockroaches and for almost three hours, I'm really sorry.. I didn't do anything intentionally.. I was going to unlock but I....." he didn't complete.

"Bcs you slept" I completed.

"how do you know??!! " he asked.

"Bcs when I was done with my screaming then I heard you snoring very loud.... God you snore so loud.. Thank God I slept in balcony " I said dramatically with taking a sigh in last.

"sorry again!!!! But where are all the lizard and cockroaches!!??" he asked.

"I'll tell you but please do me a favor... Pls take my thank you!!" I plead.

"what!.... Favor!!..and thank you why???" he furiously asked.

"Bcs you helped me to get rid off my only fear in this world" I Exclaimed.

"what???!!!" confusingly asked.

" I'll explain, in this whole world I was only afraid of lizards and cockroaches but as you locked me in with them, I'm no more afraid of them. First I spend my almost thirty minutes in just shouting and screaming but then when I stopped, I turned to them and found them completely innocent and as you said they are my sisters and relatives, so we be friends and then I ask them to leave my this washroom by that window and they left and with them my fear also left" I explain with joy.

He looked at me with confusion and shock but that expression turn into a smile.

"by the way, why did you slept so early m that to for so long??"

"I didn't sleep, some of anti biotics made me slept" he reply.

"anti biotics??!! And why you took them" I again questioned.

"Bcs of you madam!! Bcs you turned my hand completely blue and painful like hell" he replied.

"okay!!!.. I'm really sorry" I apologize.

"that's okay...!!! " he said.

"aa... You go and change ...I go outside" I said and he nodded.

Then I came outside the washroom.

Gave him his clothes and I changed mine.

After sometime, he came outside in changed clothes and I was sitting on his bed with a first aid box in my hand. He looked at me with a question mark on his face and I signaled him to come and sit beside me and he did so.

"give me your hand!! " I exclaimed.

"for what??! " he ask.

 "for applying ointment on it!!!.." I reply.

"no need it's fine now!!.." he became stubborn.

So I keep first aid box on the bed and forcefully took his hand and kept it on my lap, open the first aid box and take out a payment and was going to apply, when I saw him taking his hand back but I hold it pull it towards me and rest it on my lap. My one hand was holding him from his arm and second busy in applying ointment but I can't apply it properly bcs he was struggling to get his hand back when I glared him with anger and he clear the lump from his throat.

"there's no need to do this for me!! " he said.

"okay fine!!!... Take it as favour.. Return me back later!!! " I said and applied the ointment and gave him some medicine to take.

"you have to take this medicine thrice in a day, one in morning, second in afternoon and then in night okay understood!! " I explained and he nodded.

I get up from the bed, place the first aid box on its place and turn to him..........

To Be Continued...



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I'm really sorry that I couldn't upload on Diwali.. There were some technical errors..I had finished typing on Dhanteras only n after Diwali I got busy with some classes n stuff.. But now u'll get atleast an update every week..


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