Chapter 11

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"do you really think a girl like me would be girlfriend of that monkey look alike creature!!! " Natasha stated on which I choked and spit the soft drink out of my mouth.

"what???? " my shocked mind created.

"yeah, that's the only truth I had!!! " she said with sheepishly smile on her face.

"but why that mother fucker is considering you as his so called girlfriend, no just that he has fixed a speaker on his tongue to announce this everywhere.. why that so???!! "
I just attack her with this question.

"aa.. Just give some pressure to those words, you'll understand!! " I hinted her.
She think for a while with confused expression but just within a second that was replaced by a regret.

"shook!! What the hell?? I just said!! " a guilty tone.

"haha!! It's okay, it's okay dear Nat!! " I patted her back.

"Nat!!! It's sounds so familiar, like someone straight from my family called out!!! " Nat's warm smile.

"it can be, maybe you're my
sister from another mister, don't you think??!!! " I asked her with gesturing my eyebrows up and down and she nodded.
We cheers and sip our drinks.
It's been quiet few minutes since we sink into a conversation and I come to know she wasn't dating my roommate rather they were friends.

We started our conversation very formally but it turns into a friendly one. In a matter of few minutes, we found some similarities in between us and one of them is consider that a creature as a monkey.

Everyone in front of us is dancing on a rock and loud music which I usually avoid but I have to tolerate despite all for me they are less dancing and jumping more but I less care now Bcs I got someone better than that flirt.

He was there with me in this sitting area but got vanished when he notice a chick giving him some seductive looks and guess what he doesn't take a second to escape which totally turn my mood off but Nat lightened it up again.

He is my friend and I think I should take him as a friend only. I can't let him enter my boundaries Bcs I should admit that he has a heavy n huge impact on me. The way he complimented me in the room was an example of his effect on me. I get a warm feeling in that room whenever he's there and the most embarrassing thing is that I started inviting him in my dreams. Thank God we never crossed our limits.

Beside all this, I can't resist his charm. I must say he has a personality like Ian Somerhalder but still I can't fall for his charm. In short, I don't want to be one of those girls who fell for him and did all the stuff already.
He is good looking, tall with sharp features, with well built, intelligent. He has all the qualities of a womanizer.
I really love the man who put on black formal clothes that what I suggest him and as I thought he look dapper in that. His perfect jawline and those dimples appear when he smiles, those high Set cheekbones curved, it was all like God was free when he made him.

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