The Selection

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Name: He-Ran Kichi
(Her first name is He-Ran but she prefers to be called by her last name)

He-Ran - grace and orchid
Kichi - fortunate, lucky

Nickname: Kichi, Kimchi, RanRan, Little Ran

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Age: 21

Faceclaim: Jong Ha (best to find on Instagram @ 1993kg

Faceclaim: Jong Ha (best to find on Instagram @ 1993kg

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Personality: Kichi is a rather soft spoken person. She's never been one to stand up for herself, her brothers tended to do that. She tends to dislike meeting new people, always standing off of the side to assess the new environment before even attempting to talk to people. She's not shy, she just doesn't like new people all too much. Though she eventually warms up to people and will happily talk to them without much trouble.

Strengths: Kichi is rather straightforward. She rather not hide things unless they desperately need to be hidden. She's an open book with a few glued pages.

Weaknesses: She cannot seem to stand up for herself. She used to be bullied in school, not severely, but her brothers always had to come in and save her. She just...refuses to talk back. She goes with the flow too much. It's a problem.

Likes: Kichi loves Kimchi. It's one of her favorite things to eat along with plenty of other spicy foods. She enjoys being outside as well, mostly in gardens or farms since they're mostly closed off. Oh, for some reason, she adores lizards. She also enjoys writing and would possibly make a story out of her experience.

Dislikes: Big dogs. She fears them more than dislikes them. Smaller dogs she's okay with but not larger dogs. And for a specific reason, she's not a fan of roses. Swimming as well. She's terrified to do so in a place she can't see the bottom of.

Father - Dae Kichi (Alive)
Mother - Aiko Kichi (Deceased)
Eldest Brother - Ichiro Kichi (Alive)
Middle Brother - Jiro Kichi (Alive)
Youngest Brother - Saburo Kichi (Alive)
(He-Ran is the youngest of the three, all of them no more than a year apart)

Backstory: He-Ran grew up mostly with her three brothers and father. Her mother sadly passed away due to some complications during her birth. Though nobody really remembers much about her except Dae, her father, and Ichiro, the eldest brother. They grew up somewhat comfortably, only really having struggles if their father lost his job every now and then. Thankfully, Ichiro quickly got a job as well to help out and they've been fine ever since. He-Ran was bullied in school mostly for always staying quiet or just being too soft spoken for the other kids. Her brothers did protect her as much as they could. Though thanks to some bullies pushing her into the range of a rather large, aggressive dog, that's where she developed her fear of them. Nothing too bad happened to her, though she has a few scars on her arms from the day.
When she was about 12, she almost drowned in a lake after her brothers were playing with her too much. It wasn't intended, it just happened. Ichiro saved her thankfully and now she rather not swim in waters she can't see the bottom of.
Without a mother, she always felt she couldn't really talk to anyone and it's why she's so soft spoken. Though she loves her family dearly and would do anything for them.

Why they joined: He-Ran wants to give her family a better life. She believed that if she married royalty, even with the curse, her family could live a lot better. She was also rather curious as to what happened to the family and thought this may be a good opportunity to find out what happened.

Thoughts on the selection: She isn't a fan. She believes that love should come naturally and not forced upon the suitors so suddenly like this. She feels bad in a way.

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