is she Ok?

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Midoriya's P.O.V

I Woke up and it was a Saturday so we had no classes. I got up and went to my bathroom to brush my teeth. I got out and someone knocked on my door. "Oi! its Bakugo".I opened the door. "Hey Kacchan." "How's it going nerd. Anywho breakfast is ready go down stairs ill go get Earlobes." He said as we walked towards jiro's room. Ever since the kidnapping incident and after the fight when we were on house arrest. Me and Kacchan talked things out and we came to an agreement and now we are very close friends. But, he wants to hide it so he acts like the old Kacchan. As I walked down the hallway I heard Bakugo knock on Jiro's door and say. "Oi Earlobes Breakfast is ready get your ass down here!" to no response. "OI EARLOBES !!!!" he yelled this time still knocking on her door. "Go away bakugo i'm not hungry." She sound like she was crying and Kacchan heard it too. "The shit." You okay in there? He said and sounded worried. "I told you to go away." "Ok suit yourself I heard him say."

He walked towards me and we both walked down the stairs. "H-hey guys." I said. Hey "Deku!" I heard Uraraka Greet me. "Hey Bakugo wheres Jiro?" I heard Yayrozou. "Earlobes didn't want to eat for some dumbass reason. Said she wasn't hungry." We all shrugged it off thinking wasn't a big deal.

We all were Talking in common room until i noticed. Jiro hasn't came out of her room. i stand up to look behind me to see jiro making a sandwich. Seeing that she was ok i sat back down. It started to get late so we all went to our respected dorms to sleep. I did notice jiro wasn't herself but, I still shrugged it off.

It was morning again and i went down to the common room to eat to see everyone but, Jiro and Yayrozou there. "Hey Kacchan wheres Yaymomo and Jiro ?" "3D printer went to go get Earlobes for breakfast." He sounded irritated. I heard Yaymomo come down the stairs but, without jiro. I knew somethings up. But before Yaymomo could say anything Kacchan jumped up and said. "YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK IT!!!!!" He started storming up the stairs to jiros room. "Ill go see if I can help him." I said as I followed. "OI EARLOBES IM COMING IN!" He shouted as he kicked jiro's door open. "Oi get yo-. WHAT THE FUCK!" When I heard him shout I knew something bad happened. So I rushed over to the door Kacchan was the just standing at the front. I looked in front of him made me want to cry. We saw jiro there with a knife in one hand and a shit ton of cuts in the other arm. There was blood all over the floor. Her eyes were red from crying and we still saw tears. I closed the door behind. "Oi. You okay?" "leave." she sounded shaky. "Jiro-san? what are you doing to yourself?" She dropped the knife and she still was shaky but she looked like she was also about to pass-out. "I-I." she said and she collapsed. Crap I thought in my head as I ran over.

"Kacchan tell the others ill take jiro to my dorm." I quickly responded to the situation. "No." "What ?!" "This is obviously a secret she wants to keep from everyone. If we tell them we loose our trust with her and the teacher will most likley get involved because of four-eyes."

"c-crap so wh-what do we do?" I question kacchan. "We take her to your dorm to sleep on your bed we will clean her dorm from the blood." I nodded as i started to pick up jiro. She still had tears in her eyes. I hated seeing her like this. I've always had a crush for jiro we weren't what you called close but we still meant a lot to each other. the only other person who knows about this crush is Kacchan and he is good at keeping secrets. We got to my dorm. Kacchan you start cleaning her dorm Ill patch her up. he nodded and went. I grabbed some wrapping bandages and started the wrap her left arm which had a lot of cuts. I noticed that both her arms and a lot of cuts. "Jiro what happened to you" I whispered to myself. After i patched her up I laid her in my bed and I covered her. I blushed at the fact that she is sleeping on my bed.

I left the dorm and I locked it being that im the only one with the keys to open it. I saw Kacchan leave with keys in hands to. "Oi nerd these are hers take em and when we come back put em in your room. We gonna fix this ourselves." I nodded in agreement as walked down the stairs to the common room.

Last Warning for yours truly- Author-chan- this story is going to have a lot of sad an depressing stuff. If you are sensitive to this read at your own risk!!!!!!! also yes im switching it up with a nice kacchan and izujiro fanfic I hope you enjoy!!!!!!

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