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An exert from :
A Life Lesson

"When you read this, I shall be gone . They will say it was from a heart attack. That is what the charts would read. They wouldn't pick up the Drain-O that someone slipped in there.

   Do not worry, for I saw this coming. This is why this book is here; to leave instructions on what to do when I am gone. Please follow every step. If any are contradictory or you betray me as everyone always dose, please consider the last two as the most important.

Step one :
Fix what I have left broken. I have tried to do so but have failed.

Step two :
Take care of what I have left you. It may not seem like a lot or it ,any seem like everything. Do not let it go to waste.

Step three :
Remember others by the good times over the bad.

Step four :
Forget me as quick as possible, it is in your best interest

Step five :
Follow what your heart says. I believe in you. Remember that.

Step six:
Love yourself

Please follow my final wishes til the end of your days as well. I wish you the best of fortune and hope all my misfortune has left room for only the good.


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