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Third Person (Tubbo Focus)

Tubbo waved at Schlatt general direction . He knew he was probably watching him leave from the White House, or what was
left of it. Tubbo walked to the main community house and into the sewers.

Now underground, he made his way to where Tommy's old base was. From here it was easy. Get to the library.
Front there he would use the secret tunnel to get there. First he had to check on something.

In the library there was a restroom . He looked at the top of his head and sure enough, his small nubs where visible.
Great. Tubbo looked around and spotted something . Quackity had left a spare beanie here...

Tommy's POV (what an actual pov?!?!)

I was training outside when I heard a door open. I turned, sword at the ready. But it was just, "Tubbo? What are you
doing here?"

"I came to visit. A meeting was scheduled on our normal meet up day, so I just came now," Tubbo explained with a shrug.

"Ok but what's with the hat?" I asked. I saw him tense up.

"Oh nothing, I just had a terrible hair day," Tubbo said quickly, finger combing the bangs of his dirty
blonde hair. It was obvious he was hiding something.

For a while we talked. He told me about Schlatt and a few new updates. Apparently there was going to be a festival.

Third Person

Wilbur and Tommy sat by the small fire. They had a cave. That's it. They used to have a kingdom.
Now it was only a cave.

"Hey Wil, did you here about the festival?" Tommy asked.

"Yes. I have plans to attend," the older Brit said.

"You know we are exiled, right?" Tommy asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Dream and I have a plan. Don't worry."

"Dream?" Tommy exclaimed, "But he hates us. He is literally what caused the first war!"

"He may dislike us, but as much as he dose Schlatt," Wilbur said.

They had thought Tubbo had left hours ago, but he was there. Listening.

{Sorry this story is so lazy, may rewrite it one day}

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