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Third Person (Tubbo Focus)
It had been three months since we last saw out protagonists. Three long months. Tubbo had been visiting much less,
and was never seen without a hat. The first scene takes place at midnight, near the edge on Manburg. Our
young hero in green approaches the neutral territory.

Tubbo saw the gate, a new addition to Manburg. It was to make sure people could sign in when they came in.
There wasn't a fence around it, but just a large fancy gate that had a welcome message.

"Welcome to Manburg in its strongest era. The era of peace!"

Seeing that always made Tubbo shudder. That is why he had not gone that way, but just a bit to the left.
As he steeped outside of the premier, he heard something. Humming. From above him.

Tubbo looked up to see Schlatt, sitting in a tree with a book. The Deceleration of Independence.
Tubbo bit his lip, trying to to quickly walk by, but Jschlatt cleared his throat .

"Good evening Tubbo. Off to see Pogtopia? Is that what they are calling it these days?"He asked.
Tubbo stood there, looking a bit dumb as his jaw was down leaving his mouth open. "No need to act so surprised. I've known for a while. I know a lot more than I let on."

"Then why do you let me go?" Tubbo asked in a whisper. Was he going to die? Alone? Without anyone knowing?

"Same reason I keep Big Q around. I've done a stupid thing, you know," he said, twirling his hand in the air to say and so on or you know. "I did the worse thing I could do."

"And what is that?"

"I've let myself get attached . The end of all politicians are their own weaknesses. All good ones, push everyone
away. Ah well, " he said, a puff of smoke coming from his mouth. "I knew I couldn't say long," he said, fore finger and thumb rubbing the leather cover of the book."

"And what do you mean by that?" Tubbo asked.

Completely ignoring the question, he pushed on, "This will have to be your last visit for a while. The festival is next week.
We have to get ready. Have a nice time Tubbo." And with that, he tossed the book to Tubbo and ender pearled away.

Tubbo shuddered slightly. What was that about? No matter. He walked to the base, knocking a familiar pattern. An arm shot put and dragged him in.

Tommy's Pov

Tubbo has been here for about an hour. I've been telling him everything I can, yet he has been quieter. I've noticed this
recently. Every visit, he talks less and less. Also he has on a stupid hat. He says that ScHlAtT made it for him.
Like he cares enough to give someone a gift. Much less make one.

"Hey Tubbo, you ok?"

He seems groggy, but he immediately jumped to attention. "Yeah of course!"

"Well," I started, "It's pretty late, you should probably start back so you can sleep a bit ."

"No!" He said quickly. His eyes where wide, but he calmed his voice quick. "I mean it's not been
too long and I have to wait longer between visits now. Schlatt got suspicious."

"Tubbo, it's fine. I see you in a day or two. You need to go. It's late," I said getting up. "Schlatt will be more
suspicious if you're tried." I started to push him to the door, but he dug his heel into the ground. At the door, he turned, hugged me and ran off.

Why did he hug me?

It's just a few days?

Ugh so clingy!

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